Healthy Stoners


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many RIU users would consider themselves healthy. I actually work out occasionally and my job requires a lot of physical activity plus I'm usually always doing something and usually only sit on my ass at night
i just wish I could eat a lot healthier, if it was possible I would have fruits and veggies growing next to my white widow crop


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly healthy, 7% body fat, 6:00 minute mile. Not really athletic but not a couch potato either :) work out about 3 times a week.


Well-Known Member
im healthy try to eat right, gets hard w/ munchies but never been able to run worth poop but being healthy is all in your mind too


Well-Known Member
I usually get motivated to work out when I smoke, and when I'm sober I tend to be more lazy, quite odd.

And this is a perfect excuse to keep on toking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah im extremely lazy in the first place me being a pot head makes it way worse

well what really inspired me to be a healthy pot head was kevin spacey in american beauty
yeah he was only working out because he was trying to have sex with an underage chick but w/e...


Active Member
I workout 3 times a week, and run 2 miles twice a week, but like the rest of you i dont eat healthy. I don't smoke darts which makes running a hell of a lot easier, it really is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I can run fast for aboue 30secs then im done because of cigarettes. Only been smoking for 3 years too. Im a beast at basketball though. I always roll a grape swisher blunt then go play some basketball with the guys.


New Member
Thta doesn't sound odd at all. I am the same way. I feel I need my weed to keep me motivated otherwise life just seems either too boring or too overwhelming. I find weed helps keep me focussed and I do consider myself a healthy stoner.
I work out everyday jog a few times week lift weights and do yoga. I take my health seriously because I know if I look after my body i am also looking after my mind as well because it is all connected.
When I neglect myself ; I get depressed so working out is very important.:mrgreen:

Good thread.
I usually get motivated to work out when I smoke, and when I'm sober I tend to be more lazy, quite odd.

And this is a perfect excuse to keep on toking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i am off to walk my dogs for an hour right now i do this 5 times a week.. i eat a balanced diet and am phisically active...pecture of health NO ..but not un healthy either

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I'm still overweight a bit. I used to be really really fat when I was in 6th grade-freshman in HS. I used to always sit inside and play computer. Then I started to smoke early sophmore year and I then always wanted to be outside and work just made me feel much better. I would smoke and play baseball, football, or frisbee golf. I was doing good but then around senior year I stopped loosing weight but didnt start gaining any, I also stopped working out, still did stuff outside but stopped lifting weights. I was at 200 lbs. Then like a month ago when I was tripping really hard on some acid. I was having a great time but had to go home from my friends because he was trying to sleep, he didnt have any. And I walked home about 3 miles, cut through a few fields and mini forests. On the way home I just kept thinking about that I wanted myself to be skinnier, I was thinking of how I could do it, then I just thought to start working out again, stop eating at night. And I've already lost 10 lbs, and feeling better. And to think, they sad acid is bad for you. I tried to start working out again here and there for 3 years and stopped after a week each time, all I needed was a little time to trip and think. I love working out shit in my life while tripping or high. If you get focused on a thought, you'll think forever.


Well-Known Member
I usually get motivated to work out when I smoke, and when I'm sober I tend to be more lazy, quite odd.

And this is a perfect excuse to keep on toking :bigjoint:
Not necessarily. One of my sisters smokes (she's got some mental stuff, like OCD, that the weed helps with better for her than the scrips her docs give her), and she is seriously hyperactive, and the smoke just makes her get REALLY bizzy. Same thing can happen to me (depends on the weed, actually), get a leetle high goin' on and get bizzy.

So... I'm "old" and detest working out, but now that I'm broken I use the fucking treadmill. Losing weight and keeping fit is definitely NOT as easy after 40 as it used to be.


Well-Known Member
I play DI baseball, work out at practice every day, I swim regularly, I eat pretty healthy, I just try to stay in shape, smoking pot seems to have little effect on my health outside of increasing my lung capacity. :p


There's treachery afoot
I am a healthy pot smoker.
I work out five to six days per week, weight training and elliptical machine, eat a totally organic diet, red meat only twice a month max. Mostly fish and occasional turkey or chicken. Grow all my veggies at home, eat free range organic pork, beef and chicken and use a vaporizer to save the lungs.
I use my grass to manage stess mostly. I do not drink or use other drugs other than a once a year coke fest with the girlfriends on the 4th of July. I ususally only use the ganja on the weekends to keep my head clearer during the work week. I have a very fast paced career and have found that a little MJ helps me cope and keeps me out of the


Well-Known Member
I am a healthy pot smoker.
I work out five to six days per week, weight training and elliptical machine, eat a totally organic diet, red meat only twice a month max. Mostly fish and occasional turkey or chicken. Grow all my veggies at home, eat free range organic pork, beef and chicken and use a vaporizer to save the lungs.
I use my grass to manage stess mostly. I do not drink or use other drugs other than a once a year coke fest with the girlfriends on the 4th of July. I ususally only use the ganja on the weekends to keep my head clearer during the work week. I have a very fast paced career and have found that a little marijuana helps me cope and keeps me out of the
FGurl, be careful about what kind of fish you eat. Stay away from farmed fish, your work keeping everything organic is completely blown if you eat farmed anything except oysters (also known as aquacultured). The main reason is that aquaculturing usually requires the use of prophylactic antibiotics and antiparasitics. Plus, most farmed fish taste skanky. :x The Monterey Bay Aquarium and Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific (used to work there) have links to information on what fish are best to eat so that we can maintain sustainable fisheries.

Also, the large pelagics are known to have high concentrations of mercury and other compounds, to be expected from apex predators (tuna, swordfish, which shouldn't be eaten anyway, that sort of fish).


There's treachery afoot
Awesome advice! I do not eat ANY farmed fish....most of what we eat is sent down from friends in Alaska. Salmon and Halibut mostly, some king crab and clams. I like tuna steaks but too worried about mercury to eat them more than once a month if that. I try to go to Alaska every couple of years during the red salmon run on the russian river and bring home some reds but was too busy last year to make it up there...hoping I get time this year but my June is filling up fast...ish...


Well-Known Member
I'm not very healthy, but at least I am more healthy then I used to be. I have been seriously dieting for a few months now, down 60lbs and my blood pressure went from like 160 over 90 down to 120 over 80, just a bit more to go and I can be considered normal on that whole BMI thing. My girl smokes as much as me and she hits the treadmill for like 5 hours at a time some days, she used to be a Yoga instructor too.


Well-Known Member
anything below 14% body fat is very unhealthy, 7% totally anorexic!
Not necessarily true, external or internal measurement system? A lot of people may say they are 7-10% body fat, and not be counting the 5%+ that cradles your organs and such. Caliper tests and such don't measure that part.

I'd consider myself a healthy user. I work out 5-6 days a week hard, and compete (and win) in my sport on a high level. Granted though, I smoke only occasionally, about once a week or less.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily true, external or internal measurement system? A lot of people may say they are 7-10% body fat, and not be counting the 5%+ that cradles your organs and such. Caliper tests and such don't measure that part.

I'd consider myself a healthy user. I work out 5-6 days a week hard, and compete (and win) in my sport on a high level. Granted though, I smoke only occasionally, about once a week or less.
My wife is a physiotherapist and nutritional adviser and they use an electrical scanner to test all fat internal and external. In uk the BMI index states anywhere between14% and 26% is ok 19% is optimal.