Hawaiian trying to turn a bad season good


Active Member
Doc you gotta try this "Tincure" I made with everclear, Now this shit is gold " took ALOT to make" but works awesome 2 drops equal one joint.


ayy, sup my braddahs, n i guess auntys too ofcourse..lol, ;D
this is the first time ive ever seen this thread so if yuh guys keep postin ill be hea for tha ride,..btw, i live on tha island of oahu too but im guessin compared tah all yuh guys im still one young boyy..haha, i got sum plants of my own but i keep'um under close eyes (inda' house)..hope to learn alot from you all, n good luck to you, kkday!!


Well-Known Member
starting some seeds right now. never had a successful grow yet but im confident now that i learned so much from this site and all u hawaii growers..


Well-Known Member
oh yeah for sure not gonna say anything stupid like that. my babies havent even popped out of the soil yet. but would they flower right away rightnow or would they catch long season??


Well-Known Member
yo kkday!!! i demand satisfaction!!!!!!! show me some sourkush plants baskin in the low hovering tropical son..........