Having trouble with clones

Frist thing I am new to this web site, so hello to eveybody. My question is how to be sucessful in cloning. I have power cloner (36 site) I use clonex in the past., but most of my clones die. :wall:


Well-Known Member
You have a cloner and they still die? Maybe you need to check your water. Could be too much clorine in the water.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Your water tempature is too high,plus you need to soak your cuttings a little longer in gel.I use a power cloner 25 site with almost 100% rooted in 7 to 10 days...........peace
hey thanks for info. what shouldg the water temp. be i keep it around 75. next time i will let the water set for a couple of days . about the ph i check it every day and keep it in the low 6's. how close should the light be to the top of the cloner?
thanks Dirtfree for the cfls info,hey Mr theraphy Man i use clonex, i have never used a gel. could you tell me a little more about the gel? or anyone else that uses a power cloner and gel.