Having a knat problem need advice


I am currently using organic soil i am four weeks into flowering and i noticed knats in my soiil and flying around but mostly in the soil. I read through a few forums and it recommended sand so i put sand on top of the soil and sprayed it with neem oil it controled it pretty good. My issue is i touched the top of the sand this morning and it seems like the nats may still be alive in the soil because they came up when i moved the sand i am getting ready to water them today i was wondering if i can mix peroxide with my water when i do that today or will it ruin my plant.


Also can someone tell me if i water them do i put the water in from the top of the soil with the sand or should i move the sand over and water through the soil.


Active Member
The sand thing works decent. You can water through the sand because the sand will dry out within a day prolly anyways. Thats the point of using sand as it does not hold moisture for long at all. Once you put sand over your soil, you wont have any more eggs laid as long as your not overwatering :)

Then its just a matter of waiting for the adults to die. 7 days is the average lifespan for an adult i believe. But in that 7 days, females can lay up to 200 eggs!


New Member
flystrips, lots and lots of flystrips, and replace the flystrips. Let the room dry out if you are growing in soil, high temps, water less. This is a catch 22 if you have mites at the same time..
predetory nematodes didnt seem to help.....

find a safe soil drench.....

be very wary of "green" soil make sure it's aged and sealed well.

They are harmless enough in the veg room, but when they make it into the 12/12 and the buds get all sticky and act like flypaper
little dead gnats stuck all over your gooey crystal covered nugs it sucks!


Thanks for all the suggestions I watered last night put new sand on top bought extra strips and put mosquito dunks they are looking great this morning only seen two flies around thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Tin foil spread around the grow in sheets and hanging in strips from the plants, as the light reflects of the tinfoil it confuses the flies and they go somewhere else, really dose work well. Peace