Have you Have you Ever Had Gnats in the House and Didn't Know Where They Was Coming From?


Active Member
I bought my house 2 years ago started a grow right away then found out I had gnats n the house from day one the house was empty and the water in the drain's trap evaporated and the bug come up from the sewer I was blaming the FFOF then second year I still can't get rid of them so my sink and bath tub plugged up in the bathroom the previous owner had long hair when I tried to use the plunger and it pull this shimmy nasty hair ball up in both sink and tub so I cleaned that up thinking well got them bastards now but oh no I still have them so I go on the web and youtube and someone said check your potatoes and they got in my potato bag or I got the potatoes that was on sell and older and the bag got infected with gnats right from the store? I threw out the potatoes and my house is now gnat free for 4 days I know it don't sound like much but I just start my 3rd grow gnat free knock on wood and I'm thrilled POTATOES never buy them again :eyesmoke:
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Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Yeah man! I figured this out when we had an infestation not too long ago.

Old bag of onions that had turned to soil in the back of the cupboard.

We used red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar and dish soap.

Got them all dead in like 2-3 days. Wee buggers loved that stuff.