Have you ever felt like a whore??


Well-Known Member
"no man is an island",as the great dennis brown said.,.,but u cant keep vampires and backbiters around u,i dont want any friends i want family.,.,sum people are parisites sum are givers.,.,just know how to differ the asssoiciates from loved ones


Well-Known Member
my life is the same exact way.... ive been fucked over countless times and lost all my so called friends... it just seems like everytime i reach out i get fuked..ive had a real messed up childhood and this world is just filled with such bullshit so it makes me happy doing shit for people, giving others care that i never recieved as a kid and being the generous type but everytime i lend a helping hand or try to be nice i get used or fucked over... im tired of fuckin inconsiderate, unaprecciative , assholes who just think they can do/say whatever they want so im done reaching out too fuck em all
1. Smoke some wee
2. Mood improves
3. Think about it some more

(weed's good for that after all)

Not saying get yourself used, just try to turn things around before you go and send everyone away.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
When someone shows weakness people find that flaw and take advantage.
Dump the friends, change your ways, dont be over generous, but dont be to stingy.
You gotta find a happy meidum man.
Maybe its the weed that changes you? Ive come to find out it sure does change me, for the worst.
Try slowing down on smoking

Its you against the world and the world dont even know who you are..