Have to read this is a cc of letter to norml lawyers.


I have no money so I saved you the trouble if you guys can't help me I understand. It's just this public defender is 0 in giving a shit this is my life we are dealing with.

I live in NYS, in Westchester county. I have a very bad drinking problem and it ended up landing me in jail for a year due to probation violations and arrests for fighting. I have a 5 year old felony dwi and i think 3 misdemeanor assaults. I think that's it. it was my 4th DWI and violations thereof that landed me in jail.

OK fast forward to now. The last time I touched a drink was the day I was last arrested, some 19 or so months ago. Listen, I deserved what I got- ok, but I am a different person now. I am. I help neighbors as silent acts of contritions, I got a dog from pound, and I am always on my BEST BEHAVIOR. I mean that it's important you believe me I take my good behavior as an absolute strict rule. Things I've lost, it's retarded. My business my credit my home at the time, and that’s just financial. My family. I'm not looking for any repeats. So I smoke weed. At one point or another I've been on every anti depressant, psychotic everything... Even lithium at one point. Nothing filled that feeling . Only weed. In fact ALL my arrests were blind blackout drunks everyone of them. Never arrested ever besides. Couldn't smoke weed on probation, the majority of arrests happened in the next three years.

So here I sit I've lost securities licenses and income. A four million dollar insurance agency. Respect of everyone....who but a fool would keep doing that stuff to themselves. This is serious stuff to me. I'm diagnosed ADHD and nothing heIped that, "Thing" that made me depressed and or that alcohol medicated. So now off probation, I made a vailed attempt at not smoking. That landed me back at bars...lol..then I'm doing coke, even get ready heroin. I realize my folly come clean, yet again, to my family, and take suboxone in order to stay away from heroin, alcohol other casual results leading to a better, more responsible day to day life. So this is what happened:

My upstairs neighbor in a house we rent let police in my basement. I had 5 pot plants no bigger than 2 inches. Not even sexed yet.. growing this was my attempt to further keep any illegal activity and/or access to other drugs, I can literally from seed to smoke be in the privacy of my own home, and break the, "Dealer", risk. Risk of arrest AND susceptibility to other things due to regular access for marihuana purchases. All this benefits by growing a personal supply. And lets face it, NO ONE thinks the risk is an upstairs tenant goes into your premises! She told the police she stored things there.n there. That and more. ALL LIES. The real estate lady likes me not her. She represents the owner. She damn well knows its bullshit and would go to court on it that she indicated strongly the basement was not hers for any use as recently as on her porch all three of us talking two three months ago. Again and other occasions by the real estate woman who would testify. Hand to God. Its where my laundry stuff is!! I come home from Baltimore and next morning check on my babies and ALL MY SHITS GONE. Cleared out. its like 9 30 am I'm yelling, bugging out, all equipment came to like $1500.00. I'm thinking a million things. Not upstairs. I even knock on her door when I'm frantic, you know...to no answer. Next thing cops are downstairs already in my house from basement door I had opened seconds earlier all upset. I'm like wtf? I'm so pissed I start saying electrical stuff and gardening tools stolen, you know and I know I'm not filing a report. I'm guessing someone called cause I was yelling you know. It was such a small amount, I was gonna show them a recent pic and say this!!! J/King but...I was furious. Look jail messes you up. Nothing is more important than your freedom and your privacy. Its when the detective shows up I know what's up. So I'm backing off... they say he wants to talk, I said, "About what", they said he'll tell you they say you better so I don’t want to give an attitude so ok, bottom line detective plays mute and empathetic tro my loss, I felt it coming......your under arrest. backed right into it. wtf. There are more details.

Charged with PL 221.05 and PHL 3382. She has a restraining order as well. No monety to move. One word of lies I'm DONE. I hide. Instead she should have a robbery charge and me a portection order and harrassment suit.

Now listen, I take this very seriously. In my opinion if I drink again, I'll literally land back in jail. I'm sure other's would agree. So drinking for me isn't crying at an aa meeting. Its 6 to 10. ok. So who's gonna say they wouldn’t smoke so far guaranteeing abstinence, as it did before to the tune of 8 years no liquor. Also, imo a much better quality of life for me. Frankly for the first timein a long time I feel properly titrated. More, I will lose my insurance licenses as well if I'm convicted. Also, I was working on a certificate of disabilities after some time passed. And lastly but most important, I take offense to being in the back of a police car and kept in jail like 6 hours no call no rights read. Back in the box. It's set me back. I'm scared, angry, upset...and best yet the lady upstairs..the same lady who temporarily has an order of protection against me. the same lady who- got in from outside door, walked IN DARK to very discreet basement area to unzip and then probably come back when timer went on. dude she worked to see these things ---------------------------- that big my word. She knew my story. I could tell you why she'd want to do that another time. FUCK THEM. If you feel me I'd appreciate any help. Draconian. Seriously this is the case. This is my life some old lady holds in the balance after a illegal search and subsequent seizure. I need it thrown the fuck out. Not to mention my bad mental state, and I had some serious closeys with reality back in a cell a box.


Well-Known Member
If you are asking for prayers, ok, done. Other than that, what type of 'help' are you expecting? You might want to contact NORML, they may be able to hook you up with a pro bono lawyer. If that lady had a key to basement you are probably fucked. It won't matter what that real estate lady says. The other lady is a resident and has a key. She should assume she has access to basement for storage and maintenance easement.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
this is another worthless thread . A total waste . You are a fuck up and just whining because you have no control over your life . What the hell does this have to do with marijuana growing ?? I'm sorry , but 4 DWAI 's . I hope they lock you up for a while with bubba before you kill someone . I have kids and grandkids . I don't feel sorry for your ass one bit !


Well-Known Member
this is another worthless thread . A total waste . You are a fuck up and just whining because you have no control over your life . What the hell does this have to do with marijuana growing ?? I'm sorry , but 4 DWAI 's . I hope they lock you up for a while with bubba before you kill someone . I have kids and grandkids . I don't feel sorry for your ass one bit !
He quit drinking 19 months ago Mr. Sympathy.... I would say 4 DWI's are certain proof he has an addictive nature and if weed can prevent a 5th one, more power to him. Since you had nothing nice to say, why not just shut your mouth and move along?


First off... dadio161 is a douche bag!!!! Now on to the real issue. Bosejammin, sounds to me like the polyaddictive nature of your makeup would dictate that you abstain from all inebriants until you are able to address whatever the root cause of your disfunction is. I am the first to advocate medicinal MJ over any pharm. or counseling for addressing most ailments. In this case however, you are not addressing anything other than the need to stay f!@*&d up!! Figure out what your disfunction is then you will be able to move forward [even possibly finding the perfect strain/pheno/potency]. The constant legal entanglements are going to be your downfall if you dont address this ASAP!!!!!!!


He quit drinking 19 months ago Mr. Sympathy.... I would say 4 DWI's are certain proof he has an addictive nature and if weed can prevent a 5th one, more power to him. Since you had nothing nice to say, why not just shut your mouth and move along?

That guys quote made my wake up and cry man.

Let me clarify. Had a dwi in college freshman year. They barely gave them back then but local cops in a college town...I get another like 8 years later.....i stop drinking. Realize problem. Only smoke. I make it 8 years before iused benzos by prescriptio n after a death in family. I had no clue it effected same place as alcohol did back then. Like three days on them, and why not drink? right....

In the next 4 years I couldnt stop drinking. i was on tighty probation and couldnt smoke. id make it 3 or 4 months, drink, and get arrested that night. make it 6 weeks. Drink. Violate again. I also got 2 more dwis during that time not remembering driving. I would black out and wake up in jail. Thank GOD I never hurt anyone. Finally they throw me in jail like you wanted and I deserved. . A YEAR asshole, not 3 months..When I come out I'm off probation and everything. Go back to smoking and its been 19 months i wont even LOOK at a drink and take my actions VERY SERIOUSLY. This is my last chance to save a relationship with my kids that i ruined in 3 short years/ from everyday dad to criminal. I know there are molre people out there on your side. I figured only here I could get people that atleast BELIEVED my weed medicvation,and might have legal backgrounds. I live my life now ostrizized for four years of drinking compared to a stoner life helping other Ive lived the other 30. So YES growing was one more step out of public crime. And YES if they put me in a position I can't smoke I'm friggin terrified. But that asshole showing off enough buds in his poic to give him a felony in 3/4 the states in this country, got a lot to say. I'm glad your stable. I'm not. With weed I NEVER broke ANY law EVER. Dick. lastly i had a 5 million dollar insurance agency I lost and I have three beautiful kidds that love AND TRUST me again. I paid my debt. Now evening talking seeing cops court whatever fucks me up. Jail fucked me up. And last last. Funny you're so balls on here fatman.


If you are asking for prayers, ok, done. Other than that, what type of 'help' are you expecting? You might want to contact NORML, they may be able to hook you up with a pro bono lawyer. If that lady had a key to basement you are probably fucked. It won't matter what that real estate lady says. The other lady is a resident and has a key. She should assume she has access to basement for storage and maintenance easement.

Good luck
no key. She came in thorugh outside basement door that stupid ass didnt rope tie. you know those like tornado doors and then concrete steps to a very old school basement no lights. Change it?


Well-Known Member
That guys quote made my wake up and cry man.

I lost and I have three beautiful kidds that love AND TRUST me again. I paid my debt. Now evening talking seeing cops court whatever fucks me up. Jail fucked me up. And last last. Funny you're so balls on here fatman.
I have no idea what I can say or do to help you out. I've had 2 dwi's myself and have been in counseling for a couple of years now. Funny thing is that alcohol is not my drug of choice. I just got "lucky" by being stopped by the cops. Anyway, I've got you in my thoughts and prayers. I try my best not to judge people and I don't see a problem with you posting your situation on this site. RIU is, obviously, a great community of people, not just growers, but kindred souls. And we should support our brothers and sisters in trouble. I wish you luck and hope you can find peace and get your life back on track. :peace:


Well-Known Member
*as he takes his morning Suboxone* :wink:

Yeah, life is fucked up, in that you might think that sympathy will help you to some degree, when you present your case. They will hear ya out, but when it comes down to it, you're going to be charged with everything you're guilty of, reguardless. That's a fact of life. My only suggestion to you, is to find some way to get rid of the public defender. They are always buddy-buddy with the DA, and won't really try to help you. They get paid whether you win, or not. Then, him and the DA go play golf, or smoke crack with each other, on the weekend.(seriously, I think they do.lol) I had a notarized statement, for one of my DUI's, stating that I was indeed a passenger, and not the driver, in one of my cases, and it didn't help a damn thing. My lawyer and the DA basically laughed about it, TOGETHER!, then proceeded to send my ass to jail. My advice, is to seek other legal counsel, of there is any way possible. If you can't, and you think you have a case, take it to trial. Looking back, I wish I had. A jury is more likely to show you some sympathy, whereas a DA/Judge, will not. I know this might sound bad, but I've been through it myself, know how it works, and don't wanna blow smoke up your ass. If you broke the law, you will be charged, unless you find a lawyer that can manipulate things for ya, and find some loopholes, etc...otherwise, sympathy will help you very little. It'll just give you and your jail buddies something to bitch about, 'round dinnertime.lol :wink:



yeah, no I am fucking stupid looking over my shit regarding being careful. Guys, life was good. Best it's been in years. That's before my apartment was illegally searched after a break in. That's the bottom line. This isn't some sad thing like help I'm all fucked up..this is, I'm fine and I dont want to risk getting fucked up again. And does anyone have any suggestions under these circumstance. I did go on a tirade, but guys my life was REALLY back on track. This is like almost inconceivable to me.


Well-Known Member
yeah, no I am fucking stupid looking over my shit regarding being careful. Guys, life was good. Best it's been in years. That's before my apartment was illegally searched after a break in. That's the bottom line. This isn't some sad thing like help I'm all fucked up..this is, I'm fine and I dont want to risk getting fucked up again. And does anyone have any suggestions under these circumstance. I did go on a tirade, but guys my life was REALLY back on track. This is like almost inconceivable to me.
yeah if you dont want any trouble dont break the law some people can not handle using drugs and alchohol in a responsible manner. you have proven that to yourself time and time again why did you keep lying to yourself and saying this time will be different? you gotta change your drug of choice to something 100% legal like working out, hiking exercise. some people find solace in religion, try yoga or deep meditation, change your diet and get healthy look into holistic remedies. your problem is not unique many others share the same hardships and they find a way to cope. also everyone that grows knows what can happen if you get caught if you cant do the time dont do the crime. start taking responsibility for your actions, they are the only ones you can control.


Well-Known Member
no key. She came in thorugh outside basement door that stupid ass didnt rope tie. you know those like tornado doors and then concrete steps to a very old school basement no lights. Change it?
Lock it up, hasp and key, after you have written permission to access basement and secure your belongings in it. Please contact NORML and see if a pro bono young grad will help you out. And like the other guy said, get some counseling too. You are running from something and you don't know what it is.

And screw dadio161, he jumps on anyone asking for help and you are right, he gloats and his avatar would put him away for 5 years. Must be nice to jump other's over the net...


Well-Known Member
Anybody who is actually getting on this guy's case is an inconsiderate, unsympathetic fuck who has never had anything horrible happen to them in the past via police officers, family members, etc.

Life can get hard, real fucking hard, and some people have a biological tendency to "need" to get fucked up because of it. He found a way around that tendency with the same medicine every one of us enjoys and has obviously made a serious effort to stay off the shit.

Just because you don't DOES NOT give you the right to sit on your high horse and talk down to him like he's some kind of stupid child.

I'm currently on probation awaiting early release at 14 months. It has been miserable, no weed, stomach aches at the sight of cops, paranoia, I feel you man.

Keep your head up, it can only get better. Find some support, if you can't get it from family or friends then try and get out and meet some new people. Some people can and will care for you.

Good luck :joint: