Have to cut it in 11 weeks!! Give advise folks


Active Member
Heya ive got 4 plant in DR80. Blueberry, Arjans Ultra Haze #2, Super Lemon Haze and NYC Diesel. They are in 7th week of flo. Bleuberry will be ready soon( about 2 weeks), Diesel its getting new brown hairs so should be ready but SLH just started turning brown and Arjans is almost whole white. Arjans should have around 13 weeks and i have to cut it in 11th. How to play cards right? I thought I could swith over the light to 10/14 in 10th week and then leave 2 hours light till the end. How u thing bout this guys?


Well-Known Member
Heya ive got 4 plant in DR80. Blueberry, Arjans Ultra Haze #2, Super Lemon Haze and NYC Diesel. They are in 7th week of flo. Bleuberry will be ready soon( about 2 weeks), Diesel its getting new brown hairs so should be ready but SLH just started turning brown and Arjans is almost whole white. Arjans should have around 13 weeks and i have to cut it in 11th. How to play cards right? I thought I could swith over the light to 10/14 in 10th week and then leave 2 hours light till the end. How u thing bout this guys?
Just keep it simple. 12/12 till last moment and cut if you must.


Active Member
and thats it? I dont give a shit bout amount because ill have lot but I want it to ripen as much a possible and to be really strong. But anyway thanks for answer m8. Anyone else wants to help?


Active Member
I thought there are many good growers on this website but im disapointed... I didnt think its so difficult question for ya guys...


Well-Known Member
tbh there are a lot of good growers on here, but its only been 2 days since u posted...just give it time people will help...another thing is its always good to have pics of ur plants so that others can see what u see...not just read what u see...that may be another reason u dont have many responses but many views...just my 2 cent

but as far as the plants go, it would be nice if you could show pics, u said the Arjans needs 13 weeks but u need to cut it in 11? it wont be as ripe as it would be if you let it go for 13, but 11 shouldnt be too bad..pics would be nice tho ;)


Active Member
I no m8, RIU is the best forum ive ever read. Just wanted to provoke you to help me bc its imporant thing which i have to planed much earlier dan harvest. I took some pics for ya. Ive got 4 plant in DR80. Clocewise from left bottom corner: Blueberry, Arjans, SLH and Diesel.



sry bro bro ur better off jus lettn em go till u gotta cut em pimpin, i heard u can extend the flowering cyle to get more growth outta the last 2 weeks but never heard of anything to shorten it, why must u cut early? u movin or sumn like that?


Active Member
Thanks for answer. Its NYC Diesel pal. Shes very gently with nuts and i burned her a bit. Anyway by cuttin few hours of light I want them to start thinkin dat winter is close and its time to start to bear fruit ASAP. I want them to stop growin in size so much and start ripening.


Well-Known Member
So you say you have to cut them in 11 weeks from the 7th? They already look half done. You probably only have 4-5 weeks left anyways, what is the worry for you? Perhaps I read your post wrong, but looks like your plants will be done when you need them to be. Increasig the dark time by an hour or 2 everyday may help speed it up a bit but I don't think it will actually shave off as much flower time as you are asking about. But if you do increase dark time by a couple hours you should do it before the 10th week of flower w/ your arjan's haze. Do it in the 9th week or you could even do it now...if they were mine I'd do the 14/10 swtich now, it will not hurt any of your plants. At week 9 or 10 and after they have had a week or 2 with their new schedule take a sample from mid plant and see if it is where you want it to be, I always sample every plant 2-3 weeks before my goal harvest date. Lets me know,other than overall appearance, if the plant is where I want it to be. Peace and hope this helps and at least touches on the questions you had.


Active Member
Thanks dude for reply. Was helpful very much. Arjans is getting brown so its good sign. But i think i leave 12/12 till week 9 and then im gonna take the decision bout their future. At present i want them to enjoy the longest day during flo. Of course im still waiting for more feedbacks.


Active Member
I sitting in on this one.I also have to harvest my greenhouse sativas at 11weeks. Have to leave town for two weeks.Keep us post on how everything goes.


Active Member
What bout nuts? I think i will start givin only ripen in week 9. Dont really want much nitrogen at the end of their lifes :D