Have searched and can't find a definite answer

Ok smoked some oil the other day out of a g pen the other day and I was like "oh wow cool it would be awesome to have one just for my pressed kief"

So is there a pen I could use with my pressed kief and it work effectively? Or no?


Well-Known Member
It depends who you ask. I've been relentlessly searching for similar answers.

Some reviewers say this pen works better than that pen, others say no pen works at all (for various reasons). I decided to take the inexpensive plunge and ordered some items in order to make a vape pen and cannabis e-liquid, so in a week or so I'll report back with the results of the experiment.

EDIT: G pen does a herbal vape pen, so I don't see why you couldn't add kief to the herb chamber, assuming the pen works well with herbs in the first place..