Have I made a powerful enough cfl lamp set up?


-10 bulbs
-8 (6500k) (1610 lumens) (26 watt) Cfls
-2 (2700k) (1640 lumens) (23 watt) Cfls
-Total 254 watts
-Total 16,160 lumens

was planning on 6-8 plants
will this do a nice job?


Well-Known Member
sweet man. definitely a different approach than most CFL set ups. I think you'll be just fine! maybe find a 150w HPS for flowering, to make the most out of your plants. What are you growing? Good luck!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
uhhhh no.... you need way more for 5 or 6 plants man... especially on the sides.... i had over 600 watts of cfl power when i use to use them.... I had great results with cfls.... no giant yeilds or anything but nice dense hard nugs..... the more the better man.... that is a cool hood u made....


New Member
well im new too but u seem to be doing the right things.i myself= set-up:

4 42watt cfl 1 25 watt and another 42watt on order (b/c it is 5000k)
3 42watt are 2700k , 1 is 5000k w/ another 1 coming. +that 25 im not using yet need another y-splitter and clamp.
lumens total= 13,640.
miracle grow soil. Dr. Earth 4-4-4 (not using yet too young ..little over 3 wks old) Shultz african violet 8-14-9(not really recommended but can be used high in p) it was free so what the hell.
WORMCASTING- i can not stress this enough i use it now. 1 of the best things u can give ur plant.
standing FAN to circulate the air+ strengthen the stems
SMALL desk-like fan i putt next to my plants as an exhaust 4 heat b/c cfl's do gu=ive off heat.
air purifier w/ a U/V button that kills airborne germs, bacteria, cigarette smoke etc.
power surge protector.
NEVER USE TAP WATER....use distilled spring water b/c when u give them organic nutes there is good bacteria that breaks down food 4 the plant to eat. tap water has chlorine that will kill them.
U can use the DR. Earth organic plant food/ fertilezer that can be used alone ; sprinkle in soil and water or as a "TEA" which is just putting the nutes in a bottle of spring water let sit 4 24hrs. so the bacteria can multiply and do its job very good. i burb the bottle every so ofteb b/c gas builds up like jail house hooch. LOL.
plus i plan on cheating and getting 75 or 100 watt HPS light, so im not going 100% cfl.

well best wishes & happy growing.............if i can help please feel free...and if idk i will direct u to somebody who does there r great humble, caring, selfless ppl. here who do not mine tolerating the same noob ?'s bless their souls !


almost a month.JPG thats just 1 of them.


Active Member
It is a nice setup, you can grow a few plants from seed to bud with those lights. I rate it an A :)


well im new too but u seem to be doing the right things.i myself= set-up:

4 42watt cfl 1 25 watt and another 42watt on order (b/c it is 5000k)
3 42watt are 2700k , 1 is 5000k w/ another 1 coming. +that 25 im not using yet need another y-splitter and clamp.
lumens total= 13,640.
miracle grow soil. Dr. Earth 4-4-4 (not using yet too young ..little over 3 wks old) Shultz african violet 8-14-9(not really recommended but can be used high in p) it was free so what the hell.
WORMCASTING- i can not stress this enough i use it now. 1 of the best things u can give ur plant.
standing FAN to circulate the air+ strengthen the stems
SMALL desk-like fan i putt next to my plants as an exhaust 4 heat b/c cfl's do gu=ive off heat.
air purifier w/ a U/V button that kills airborne germs, bacteria, cigarette smoke etc.
power surge protector.
NEVER USE TAP WATER....use distilled spring water b/c when u give them organic nutes there is good bacteria that breaks down food 4 the plant to eat. tap water has chlorine that will kill them.
U can use the DR. Earth organic plant food/ fertilezer that can be used alone ; sprinkle in soil and water or as a "TEA" which is just putting the nutes in a bottle of spring water let sit 4 24hrs. so the bacteria can multiply and do its job very good. i burb the bottle every so ofteb b/c gas builds up like jail house hooch. LOL.
plus i plan on cheating and getting 75 or 100 watt HPS light, so im not going 100% cfl.

well best wishes & happy growing.............if i can help please feel free...and if idk i will direct u to somebody who does there r great humble, caring, selfless ppl. here who do not mine tolerating the same noob ?'s bless their souls !


View attachment 1797088 thats just 1 of them.
Im excited to switch from outdoors to indoors finally

A few recommendations though, Im not sure if you got your idea for the bulb arrangement from a youtube video I have seen. It was the same light arrangement you mentioned. During vegging a nice varied spectrum may be beneficial however the 5000ks are unnecessary. They could help, but you would get more bang from your buck if you put 6500ks in their place instead. Also I would stay away from miracle grow soil if I were you, it seems to burn plants along with slowing their growth. there are many organic soil recipes online, that you can make with chain store supplies. If you to.


New Member
no ur doing fine.....looks better then mine. no i did not see the you-tube shot, but it is usable light unlike 4100k or 3000k. but i agree w/ the 6500k....eventually, right now my mom has been living on her couch. she broke her tibia, sprained her other ankle....can't move. so i wait on her all the time ...even potty changing. shit i thought i was done all that when i had my daughter...lol.

ABOUT THE mirical grow....well i am aware its abrasive and will switch to foxfarm or something else. but they r doing fine now. i have to transplant 2-day....oh boy i hate this..

best wishes and happy growing..............joey


New Member
oh, btw....i agree w/ MCSMOKESTER.....w/ cfl's they have to surround the plant from MY UNDERSTANDING....again a'm new. u want the cfl's on the sides as well not just the tops. otherwise im jealous u made a great set-up....and i know u will make it even better to make that A RAING TO AN A+. best wishes........joey