Have I Lost the Touch?


Active Member
So I'm new to the Gulf Coast area of Mississippi. This is about the third time I've moved in two years. I have never, ever in my life gone without, and for some reason, I can't find a smoker here to save my life. I doubt that Southern Mississippi is devoid of fellow tokers, but honestly, I feel like I've lost my touch for spotting them.

I just moved from South Florida where finding fellow smokers was like finding humidity. I figured Southern Hospitality would prevail, but to no luck on my part.

I never have an issue going without, but I'm at a point now where I'm bored, and just want to smoke. Trust me, its not the end of the world, but here's my question....

Have I lost my touch?

Has anyone else ended up in this predicament: moving somewhere new and just not finding?

I figured someone could share a funny story to make my dry spell seem not so bad.

Hope everyone is well!


Well-Known Member
the dry spell is cuz of tha hurricanes! im about an hour or two from you and its the same here! the dealer called us!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow man, you're in OS... I lived 13 years in Stark Bayou neighborhood off of Govt. St., grew up going to Magnolia, then Taconi, onto OSMS... then 2 years at OSHS before moving to LA. Wish I could help ya man but, most everyone I knew I lost contact with after Katrina... I'll never bring back those days :(


Active Member
See and I was in LA before OS. Looks like we traded places. Its not killing me, but every once in awhile I'm itchin to smoke.

Who knows, I bet I'll meet someone eventually.