have a ? about soil and ff nutes


New Member
ok so i have some new era potting soil. it barely haz nething in it basiclly its just soil with no nutes my ? is if i just grow it with the same soil i have and add some fox farm nutes will it grow to its potential like will it still be as potent??? with nutes and not like for example fox farm ocean frost???


New Member
You mean Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I dont know much about new era potting soil. I do know this, if you use fox farms line of soil, like I did, you get good results.


New Member
ok so i have some new era potting soil. it barely haz nething in it basiclly its just soil with no nutes my ? is if i just grow it with the same soil i have and add some fox farm nutes will it grow to its potential like will it still be as potent??? with nutes and not like for example fox farm ocean frost???
This is a all organic soil grow using Moonshine mix. Basically you can use it without ever having to give em nutes, just water and leave thats it.

I chose to use FF Nutes, Liquid Karma, and molasses.

I use soil from fox farms:

Planting Mix 1 bag
Ocean forest 1 bag
Light Warrior 1 Bag
Big and chunky perlite 1/3 of bag

The big and chunky perlite helps aerate the soil and prevent it from compressing. I dumped it in a pool and mixed it up real well. The extra soil is in a tub for future use.

These are pics of my current autos, which still have a few weeks left.


New Member
wow those are fucking amazing what kind of lighting u have on them and where did u get or order them from because i dont have alot of fundz!! how is the taste because i hear alot of people saying that if u grow with soil it will taste nasty!!! but i c your doing awsome so let mi in !!!! also i have big bud powder from advanced nutrients and fox farm big bloom liquid.


New Member
I get mine from attitude, well worth it.. I buy autos and they easy ryders like 70 bucks for 5 seeds. Well worth it I say. The soil also helps.. whoever said soil taste like crap, well there in idiott. I seen some of the best tasting bud come from soil. YOu just have to know how to use it. I like my soil mix cause its super rich, has all the right nutes in it.

My setup was expensive though. IF you can afford it go for it. My soil alone cost me like 100 bucks. However I still have lots of soil left, if I had to guess I say it can fill up 3 gallon buckets at least 20 or more. You can get your money back after harvest.

considering early harvest, I picked off a few branches from my red dwarf and easy ryder... I picked way to early and got a kinda grassy smell.. let it cure and it smells better. I only picked the bud to see how it was.. I still have plenty growing.

Lights: I am using 400 w cooltube hps, T5 8 X 54 W 6500k, and few random cfls.. This is all in a small closet.

You can see this grow from start to finish in my sig, there is the link to the grow journal. I still have two weeks or so left before I chop down both plants. I also have 12,000 BTU Portable AC unit to control temps, which stay below 80 degrees during day and drop to like 62-70 at night.

Taste, well considering the few early harvest I had, well they taste not to bad.. Considering I did not flush or cure well I cant complain.. I tell this much the smell is so sweet when buds broken up.. I can imagine what the final harvest will be like.. I mean they really are looking good.


New Member
I gathered my supplies over time, traded stuff for supplies. all in all I have over 1,000 in equipment. I still have a unused 200 dollar carbon filter just sitting.. lol.. I have a homemade DIY odor bucket which gets the job done.. no use on using carbon filter at this time..

I am considering upgrading my lights.. I like a dual 600 or 400 w.


New Member
nice see rightb now how the economy iz i cant even afford all of that i can get like 2 or 3 bags like 12quart bags though for like $16 all fox farm soil but u have to give me a good mix like i cant affored to buy all of your mixes so work with me lol umm i have like 2 ?z liquid karma is a flowering nute like liquid right?? and the last queston is im growing in cfls for now i was thinking of getting a 100 watt hps for like 2 plants but my ?isim not worring about yeild i rather have potentcy them that so is the hps light help you with potency or yeild or both??? will cfls if i put alot of them work its magic i appreciate the advice man!!! let me no how to
+ rep for ican hook u up!!


New Member
CFLS works you just need alot of them, I have hps to get good compact buds I also have the t5 s too. I am going for a mimic of the outside enviroment without pest problems. I plant on adding uvb rays too.


New Member
i was just reading your grow journal i was in the second page!! are u in the u s??? if so where at cuz im in the eastside by nyc?? dam u would give me some soil ill give u somemoney for it if u do it !!! ill appreciate it


New Member
Of course, I need the rest of my soil. I put it at 30 mins to hour of getting dirty in all kinds of shit, literally.. Lots of elbow grease going into it.


New Member
Here the pics of the bags I am talking about. The container of my extra soil and the method I used to mix it in. Its extremely important you mix tthe soil well or else you can get nute burn and all kind of weird symptoms show up on your plants.



New Member
If you notice the third pick I did not add the big n chunky yet. Clearly though in the last pic you can see what I am talking about and the big chunks. That right there is a heavy duty super soil!


New Member
BTW Liquid Karma I believe is like Big Bloom, I hope its big bloom and not tiger bloom. Well they are supplements to flowering, basically offer very little nutes, but you use them in flowering. I use big bloom, tiger bloom, liquid karma, and molasses. Mix with tap water and I am all gravy!


New Member
here some decent bud I got. It reeks when I open the jar, of course it does have a skunky smell but has a nice pungent smell to it.. Its great in a blunt really smooth. Not harsh at all, high is great too.. I mean its up there with "hydro" weed considering the prices are different. I only pay 100 bucks for the ounce.. Well worth it.. Then again I know people in NY who pay 150 for mids!



New Member
those pics kinda came out pretty decent.. lol.. I dont like the fact its compressed.. kinda rare that I get bud like this quality in that shape.. however It was grown properly. It was harvested right, and hardly if any seeds. I only found 2 from oz so far.


Active Member
here some decent bud I got. It reeks when I open the jar, of course it does have a skunky smell but has a nice pungent smell to it.. Its great in a blunt really smooth. Not harsh at all, high is great too.. I mean its up there with "hydro" weed considering the prices are different. I only pay 100 bucks for the ounce.. Well worth it.. Then again I know people in NY who pay 150 for mids!

$100/oz? That's an amazing price (cheap).