hash oil?


Well-Known Member
hey bro theyre very easy and cheap to make yourself.. I have started a social group for hash making and can briefly explain how to make them if needed. Feel free to join, its a public group.


Well-Known Member
kk so its all 1 trip to the hardware store.

1 1in PVC pipe about 6 - 12 inches long depending on how much you're making. I use a 12 incher.
2 end caps, I found an end cap wth a screw on lid which makes it easy to open and close after each use.
So basicly you have somthing that looks like a pipe bomb.

Fix one end with a end cap tightly so it wont come off.. and the other end snugly to where you can get it off and on after each use, unless you also found a threaded end piece inwhich you will need to attatch it tightly as well.

the end with the end cap drill 5 holes with a 1/8 inch drill bit in a pattern kinda like on a pair of dice, 4 in the corners and 1 in the center. you will want to space them about 1/2 apart. on the end with the screw cap drill 1 1/8 inch hole in the center of the cap.

Use coffee filters on the end of the pipe with the 5 holes to filter your honey oil.

If you know the extraction process you will know what to do with this pipe bomb oil extractor. Its pretty much self explanatory once you look at it really.

Give the new group a look, I just started it tonight so we could use the new members... hopefully it will catch on so we can help show more people how to make hash and hash oils.


Well-Known Member
I can undertand people disagreeing with things i say or post, but atleast give a reason, or post a better/cheaper way to make one yourself instead of just trying to discredit what I haved posted with one sentence. I have been making oil with a PVC pipe for years and it all works great... If you have your own method thats awsome, lets hear it, thats what this forum is for.


Well-Known Member
Well first off, pvc is completely wrong because of the chemical compound that its constructed of, some of the chemicals will leach out of the pipe and into your hash when the extraction process takes place. You want to use black AVS pipe 24-27" long. You need 180micron silk screen for your filter, not a coffee filter. Coffee filters dont really filter shit. Silk screen on the other hand filters everything, becuase of how fine it is. You want to do the extraction into a pyrex container, which you will then double boil not exceeding 190degrees. Once you have worked your product down the final shebang MUST be plyable just like hashish. You must be able to play with it roll it up into shapes, patty it out, and so on. It should look yellow and pasty like ear wax. IF you cannot touch your final product then you are no where near the point of final extraction. If your final product comes out looking like actual oil then you have a problem. I am curious to see what kind of "oils" my fellow rollitup members are making. I will up load mine now.


Well-Known Member
awsome! now the guy was actually looking to make the device and thats what I gave him... I have heard the whole PVC leaching chemicals and shit but to be 100% honest the only problem I have ever had making honey oil was the first time I made it... and youre right.. coffee filters dont work the best... so I use 3 - 5 at a time. My oil comes out yellow - amber everytime, and yes its thick, gooey and pliable when done... But, I would like to point out that double boiling with butane is very dangerous and using a crock pot out side is what I would suggest or just letting it sit for a few days, no stirring.
Thanks for joining the hash group man, I would like to see some of your techniques as well as your final product... Im working on some bubble now.


Well-Known Member
As long as you let the butane evaporate out for like the first 20min then your good to double boil it, but you dont want 2 burn it by double boiling it leting it sit out works 2


Active Member
just read their shipping info and the conditions of use info they pretty much say they run in the us I think in cali, havn't ordered anything from them so I don't know how long it would take in shipping