hash making. which technique do you use?


Well-Known Member
Im curious because a friend of mine just got back from morocco with a home video he shot in some valley / ganja utopia, and at one point these guys are showing him how to they make hash. it doesnt really show that well in the vid, but my friend tells me that they basically put all the leaves along with a few buds into a plastic bag and then placed the bag on a screen on top of some plastic. they pulled the bag tight and then beat it with sticks. then collected the resin that came through the screen and just rolled it into hash with their hands. and afterwards they told him thats basically all they do.

it seems cool to me because almost every video on the web tells you that you have to use an oven or a bucket of ice or something like that to make hash. just thought Id share :) and Id love to hear what techniques u guys use.



Well-Known Member
I've seen a vid similar to what you described surfing youtube. thers also movie out there called "Hashish" (no connection to the book) but its a documentry that follows these morrocan hash farmers and thier everyday life.

the weed they grow dosn't look necesarily that great, but they just grow so much of it that they get way more of the 1st sieved resin glands or the higher quaility hash the stuff that clumps up together the easiest. they still use a lighter tho to help with the handpressing.

I agree I think the drumming technique is pretty cool, something about mixing weed with water dosn't seem right to me.


Well-Known Member
I use water extraction water bags, its the best and purest way and i also have one of those space cases that collest resin from the grinder.. why does mixing weed with water not seem right you you? the THC is not water soluble so you get everything. THC is only oil soluble. remember you are trying to get the THC and get rid of any/all plant material.