Hash and Oil Picture Thread


Well-Known Member
good looking stuff BF and clear out your inbox, we need to chill and dab, back to the oil great color what temp did you purge at


Well-Known Member
Got your msg Twitch!

I try for 116 deg, but w/ a griddle it's hard to keep it exact. I need a sand buffer like Sir D has mentioned. Most of the time it stays right on the money, but it will creep up to 120 sometimes. I left my last batch in the freezer w/ my tane for a couple weeks. Caught pneumonia and everything took a backseat for quite awhile. The material was my finest trim plus some lower nug. I would definitely like some feedback. I have some on reserve for you.


Active Member
dude home birth at the cup.

Ak's it's luster looks like the fam will have to give CO a real look.

A guy I kinda know up here is selling a JB industries vac pump for 250$. Seems steep plus i have to build a chamber rather than bestvalue kit. Any advice?


Well-Known Member

Seriously??..congratulations buddy!!!

Pm.me sometime..

Dabs has a dabathon every month.....
Mostly Nortanos.....

Enail and everything...

Every month with some of the coolest of Colorado RIU.!!


Well-Known Member

Seriously??..congratulations buddy!!!

Pm.me sometime..

Dabs has a dabathon every month.....
Mostly Nortanos.....

Enail and everything...

Every month with some of the coolest of Colorado RIU.!!
Sweet! I have some Enails too, and as soon as I get the Opportunity I'm coming to see my Nortano Boys with a fat sack of hash. Just gotta get this kid stabilized.


Well-Known Member
Good, not great...

It will feel okay for for a while .. Then fucking pain...
I have to do the damn Physical Therapy LOADED on dabs, so the pain isn't as loud.

Usually after my third set of exercise.. I'm exhausted and significant pain.
Just toke down some more and it's sleepy time.

So, wake up..pain
Meds.. Exercise, meds sleep/rest. Repeat.


Active Member
Since i've spent many hours of many work days perusing this thread for bho-porn i feel it's only fair that i post my contributions. Some are ugly, some are nicer, but i'm new to this and hopefully will improve :)

some kief i compressed

A patty that i heated way too much before i realized how heat worked

what happened to that patty

top one is what i turned that patty into with more heat

a few pics of a 3.5g run that made .2g of some tasty stuff

8 or so gs into 1.2g of some tasty stuff

the same stuff but folded up a bit

the same stuff when i couldn't leave well enough alone and kept playing with it


Active Member
im trying Texas(THC) thanks to the guidance of the knowledgeable folks on here i hope to keep getting better and continue to learn


Well-Known Member
sounds brutal man, cant say i know the feeling.. heal up man
Thank you brother.

@Twitch & QK

I've dealt with high pain levels for a long ass time now... So the 3 month recovery time leaves me a bit of optimism..
But then once the right is healed...

We repeat on the left hip.

Again another 3 months...
I should be okay after the completion of both hips.

I happen to be pessimistic in regard to the following..

I still have significant pain throughout the entire back, neck, shoulders and into my jaw.

New areas of pain are progressing.. i.e.; knees, hands and my damn heels.

I try to remain optimistic in the fact that fixing the hips MIGHT help the other areas through compensation.

On that note, I'm done with pain meds... Too young to be on a such medications.
Going strictly on a cannabis based pain management regiment.
I'm going to try and consume at least a gram a day of hash caps, as a baseline medication.
Edibles will be supplemented also.

I need to work on a tincture that doesn't taste like ass and cause a gag reflex.

Dabs of course for immediate pain relief.
A constant intake of cannabis....

Eventually I'd like to take 2 grams of the hash caps..but holy fuck 1 gram knocks my ass in the fucking dirt.

The PT; Currently doing from home, Surgeon says to wait at least a month before going hardcore..

Well, I double the repetitions, increase duration and frequency and really push harder than I should..lol
I'm just ready for SOME kind of relief..so, I push push push...

After these sessions I dab,then followed by a joint and or/bowl.

This is usually followed up with a nice nap ....
Wake up and repeat.

Again, to my brothers of C&E: Thank you for the kind words/support
Sir dabs


Well-Known Member
Thanks Yoda..

Haven't posted many pics lately..

Some super tasty waxxxxx..

And some super bubbly bubble... The flavor is like heaven...

Good to have caring friends...
Ole dabs is still recovering... Out of work, broke and unable to physically produce oil atm...So the above items were delivered with love.

The stoner culture meshing with the medicinal culture.
True love.