Has anyone here done DMT?


Well-Known Member
If I go on holiday for a while and then go home, it still doesn't feel like I'm quite home, even when I get there.


Well-Known Member
So you would call that "reality" right? and not a hallucination?
I will not venture to say that it is a "reality" in that I do not think it is a place that comprehends physical limits. There is nothing tangibly real about it. But I do think that when I was there I was participating in a tangible experience. I think that my spirit was in a very real spirit space... like heaven? I think that the spirits in all of us are from that place.. I could go on and on about it, but I'm too stoned right now to really say it straight.

One thought that I have toyed with is as follows: So DMT is in everyone's brain. And in adherance to the assumption that at the moment of death, the pineal gland dumps DMT into your brain to sort of ease the transition back into the afterlife, or whatever that place is, I wonder if by doing DMT, you are not desensitizing the part of your brain that makes DMT so mysterious? That by understanding DMT's lessons in life, you are somehow setting your soul up for a less-than-smooth transition into the afterlife?

So to answer your question, yes I think that the DMT experience is as real an experience as any could be. I think it is real on an infinite, universal level that can reveal the true natures of the spirits that are in all of us.


New Member
I have heard it be referred to as a dehallucinogen. I am having problems trying to explain the idea behind it as I am really tired from trippin all night but its sumthing along the lines of it takes away the veil of illusion that is this reality. I am not sure that made much sense but I tried.

fucking wonderful stuff. just did ~25mg vaporized to test purity.


New Member
I am very interested in DMT and the spirit realm and all of this topic. U seem to be the most knowledgeable person that has posted about this so far. Is it possible that u could answer some questions for me? If anyone else has had a similar experience with DMT u are more than welcome to answer also. I know its nearly impossible to explain it in words, but just do ur best.

Heres my questions:
- How did the transition between this reality and the spirit realm occur? did it feel like being shot out of a cannon, ascending, a tunnel or what?
- Did it feel like a natural, right transition? or did u feel that it was forced and it was wrong to be doing this?
- Was there different levels of this place? and u could see it better or worse? or was it just one place and destination?
- Did u feel like this place u entered was as far as u could go? or do u think there could possibly even be more than that?
- When u got there were u confused and disoriented? amazed? or just very familiar and very at peace with the place?
- Could u sense ur body at all when u were in the experience? or were u completely unaware what a body was and who u were in this reality?
- Did this place seem that it had infinite possibilities and limits?
- Did this place feel realer than our normal physical reality? did it seem like the truth?
- Were the writings of all ur lives written before u even lived them? or were they written as the events were happening?
- How would u describe these entitieties that u were in contact with? how they looked and acted?
- were there any after effects from using the DMT? do u feel like u lost part of urself or u did something wrong or any health changes? or do u feel basically the same and good?

Thank u so much if u could answer those questions.


Well-Known Member
I have answered a lot of these questions, but I will go a bit deeper.

The tansition from reality to the other place was very smooth. As though I momentarily lost consciousness and just kind of landed there. It was the transition back into reality that was kind of hard. It wasn't as though my body was rejecting my soul, it was more like it didn't recognize it. The first time I came back reciting all kinds of basic personal information. My name, occupation, phone number, address. Over and over again I was repeating these things outloud as though I was trying to talk a bouncer into allowing me access to a crowded club.

Did the transition feel right? Hmm. I am not sure that change ever feels right. The transition from my warm bed to the open air feels wrong every morning when I wake up. The transition certainly didn't feel right or wrong. Now, about 2 years after the fact, I feel a little bit like it is wrong. Not like morally wrong, because I believe that we all have our place in that place. I think that I felt like I had arrived early? The "entities" treated me like I was early. Not wrong exactly, but like getting to your in-laws a couple hours before everyone else I felt like they felt like they were obliged to entertain me as long as I was there.

Oh there are levels to be sure. I did not achieve nirvana, but I was definitely enlightened. I have never felt fear of death so it did not change me so profoundly that I got over a phobia of dying or anything, but like you said about feeling like you had always been there, and my experience validated that for you somehow. That is exactly what it did for me. It woke up cell memories that my body inherited from my spirit. I also caught very short glimpses of my former selves, and I have actually enjoyed relief from physical symptoms of illness, malady, whatever that were unexplained before. Now my subconscious just realizes that I do not have a hole in my stomach in this life, so my chronic heartburn went away. The experience validated that the place was real, and that we have all been there, belong there. I could have gone farther. I could have gone much farther. While I was there I realized a universe completely free of suffering. When I came back, that universe was vapor. If I could have made it stick- then I would have been as far as I could go.

There was no confusion or displacement, amazement- nothing like that. I felt like I was exactly where I should have been all along. I was in a place so familiar that I had never left, or that the amount of time I was gone was a fraction of the blink of an eye. It was very comfortable.

There is no physical body. Or physical anything for that matter.

To be able to visualize the Universe in a grain of sand. To be able to understand the place for every grain of sand in the Universe. That is about the extent of the infiniteness of the possibilites. I believe that in that place, you are in the arms of spiritual enlightenment. Absolutely no limit. There is no higher truth.

The script I was looking at was written the moment that my spitit breathed into my body, before I was born. The entire script was written before I was born, and it was written by me for me for this life.

The entities were intangible. They were voices in my head, they could not be described in any physical sense of the word. The first time I did DMT, I couldn't see them. I knew they were there, but I was expecting to see them. I felt like they were hiding from me. But now I realize that they are not visible. My awareness of them at all is because I got closer to the understanding that we are all one thing, spiritually.

I don't think I lost any part of myself. I feel like I am different in many many ways. I think the parts that are absent are parts of my former selves that my spirit didn't let go of from one life to the next. I am a more distilled version of myself for this life and time. I have had some health changes, but only problems that no doctor was able to explain. Like mystery ailments and such that I am happy to be rid of.

That's all of your questions I think. I hope it helps.


New Member
THX a lot for answering those questions.

I understand the part u talked about a few times about possibly going there too early or it desensitizing that part of ur brain. That same thought first came to me a few weeks ago. Im not a scientist or doctor or anything so I really couldnt tell u for sure. But Ive been wondering the same thing. Thats actually the part of the experience I was most worried about. Im not sure if its right for me to catch a glimpse of this place so soon or take in that amount of the chemical and that it wouldnt desensitize something or I would become more immune to it. I have to learn and think deeper about that. The ancient tribes took DMT and they saw it as a good thing, so thats some reinforcement. Some have been helped to reach enlightenment through it.

Another thing Im thinking deeper about is that u say u wrote ur whole life before u lived it and u crafted this urself. I guess then I wrote this life Im having now for a reason when I was born. This is pretty amazing lately, I feel like Im on a journey and that maybe there really is a meaning for life. It seems like I forgot about it though, I need a reminder. Ive also been having problems with mystery illness. Been to the doctors and tested a lot, they found nothing. Thats a continuing chapter of my life. I wonder if DMT could possibly help me at all. At the very least a reminder for my mission.

Hmm...so many questions and no definite answers. Just more to think deeply about while Im meditating. DMT and the places u go on it do sound very amazing though.