has anyone done this...???? curious


Well-Known Member
so i'm thinking of expanding my gro... has anyone made a "fake" wall or partition in a room to make the room LOOK smaller and not be able to tell there's a grow going on??

for example spliting a room.... putting a wall up 1 third of the way so 2/3rds is still a normal room...

how could you make the door way w/out it showing??

anyway i'm sure ya'll should have some ideas suggestions or tips for this




Well-Known Member
I've seen people cut a square just big enough for their body, glue a magnet to the other side of that square, and just have a magnet hand in their room. You'll need strong magnets though. Also, you could just put a dresser or your bed or something decorative in front of the opening.


Well-Known Member
im sure theres good information somewhere, but my suggestion would be to use wallpaper that has a design with lines from top to bottom, this way the crack of a hidden door, the door being made to look like just regular wall, wouldnt be too obvious.


Well-Known Member
those are both good ideas i didn't even think of putting something like a dressor there... and yeah verticle lines would hide that well or maybe plad? hahahahaha who has a plad wall?? good ideas!!!


Well-Known Member
take a look at the movie scareface,whenhe's in the room about to shoot frank and the cop look at the wall behind him and he walks out of the door and you cant even tell that theres a door there untill he walks out of it,some type of mural,painting....very nice!im guessing your looking for something like that.....ras


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This is idea is a common practice. Alot of grow houses build a fake wall about 3 feet back from the main hose windows paint the walls white and set a chair and smal table an lamp in there then hang blinds. From the outside looks like a nice normal living room but behind it is a full out grow.The best way to do this kind of room is to use a built in flush book case on a slider rail with the littl caster wheel. You buod the room then frame the spot where the built in book shelf goes.The taller 6 foot floor to top kind with like 6 inch deep shelves. You basically mount the casters or even furniture slider discs on the bottm and adjust the bottom trim for the space. The cabinet itsself gets the trim nailed to the shelf so when its pushed into the wal the trrim makes a 2 inch trim seal so no light and no entrance is seeen. The side rails are like draw sliders they allow you to pull the cabinet out and it stays up from falling like a darw on the rails.You make sure they are long enough to give you amble room to get by the die into the room then go in and pull it closed behind you....where did he go..In the trades I have had to build alot of secret safe rooms and apanic rooms by request.Any easy alternate way that not quite so fancy is frame the wall make a 16 inch wide by 5 foot opening thats about 12 inches from the floor.Drywall the wall and cut the drywall from the opening.Make a cheao door about 3 inches bigger then the entire hole and mount it inside the new room are.Now to hide it you will buy a full length wardrobe mirror biger then the opening and mount a piano hinge on 1 side of the mirror and then mount it to the wall.instant door.use a magnetic latch on the other side of the mirror to hold it shut then just swing it open push the hidden door in and close behind you...basic setups but effective.I knew a guy who hid for weeks from cops in one of these til he was able to sneak out of town when they stopped watching his place. kept food and water in there with a small shoot that looked like a water pipe down into the crawl space so he could go to the bathroom and then just screwed the pvc cap back on.wet to his sump and got ejected out to the sewer.But these might give you ideas


Well-Known Member
wow,, I have a set-up just like that one,,,,,,,,,, I just dont have an escape tunnel, and I use less lighting, oh yea, and no irrigation lines,,,, only 3 plants with bugs, and mine are in a small closet..... but other than that,,,, IDENTICAL,,,, WOW, CRAZY SHIT HUH.......


Well-Known Member
have a big opening for your exhaust,,go through the attic hatch,,to over your grow room,,and down in through a very big exhaust HoLE,,

Keep on Growin


PS if it's a,,,,err,,your house


Well-Known Member
Ever seen the movie panic room? That would be sweet to have one for a grow room. You cant tell its there and it already has exhaust and all that so you can stay in there for a while. My cousin knows a guy who grows in his basement. There is a huge stand up type tool box that is actually a doorway. It swings open and theres a hidden room. It was like that when he moved in. I havent seen it with my own eyes but my cousin explained it to me.


Active Member
In my opinion if you got a decent setup now with good grow that ONLY YOU know about then stick with it. If you start construction and building another room your goinh to grow more and might get popped.
Make a book case that looks built into the actual wall and find some hinges that hide very well and make the book case to swing open to your magical secret grow room, Our gun case is in a room similar to this