harvesting,without microscope how do u do it best

I do not have a microscope and know my ladies are close but am not sure and don't want to pick to early but want to pick just right... can anyone help...:wall:


Active Member
you're never gonna get as close as your could with a loupe but if you start to see the pistils change color to a burnt orange (dependent on strain) that is a good sign. Also, most plants will start to yellow in the fan leafs as they put all of the energy into the buds.


Well-Known Member
Well, the best I can tell ya, is to wait till all the pistils have turned brown, then wait a few more days, or a week. Some strains keep pumping out white pistils, so this may be tough to do, but many Indica-doms don't. At any rate,...almost always, you should resist and wait longer, because I know how tempting it is to chop asap, which is always ahead of schedule. Basically, they 'look' done when they are truly done, and even the buds take on an amber kind of look to them, after the trichs have turned. Hard to describe, but you'll get the hang of it, eventually. :)

Brick Top

New Member
Radio Shack

Illuminated Microscope

Model: MM-100

| Catalog #: 63-1313

It is not the greatest, but considering the low price and that it is enough to do the job, it is not a terrible option.