Harvesting most of plant and then putting it back in flower room under 12/12


Well-Known Member
Harvested most of Bubba kush. Left some popcorn bud and 2 cola's that were under developed,.What will happen?/ I mean, I'm gonna find out anyways seeing as how I'm gonna leave her in the 12/12 room. Still, I'd like to here some predictions.... Might even post pics later.


Well-Known Member
Nothing adverse should happen to your plant. The colas & buds are going to thicken up & be ready to harvest soon, just keep an eye on what's happening & the plants will be yielding the rest of your anticipated dank in no time.


Well-Known Member
Nothing adverse should happen to your plant. The colas & buds are going to thicken up & be ready to harvest soon, just keep an eye on what's happening & the plants will be yielding the rest of your anticipated dank in no time.
So can I do this with all of my plants. Take off all good bud and then put back in flower room?/

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
usually a re-veg period is given.. certain strains.. like DJ Short Flo are adept to this type of harvesting method.


Well-Known Member
You can if there are underdeveloped buds and (or) colas. If you're going from harvest back into a 12/12 flowering after not going back into vegetative growth then the plant will die out. Also, if you are hypothetically harvesting the plant & do go back into veg then the plant is going to show some adverse effects such as spiraling leaves & your future harvest will greatly diminished & your THC & Resin production will also be greatly reduced as well. If you would like to get more than 1 harvest from plant, look for strains that have what is called "bumper harvests". This means the plan is going to have 2 to 3 harvest before it is finally zapped out.
So can I do this with all of my plants. Take off all good bud and then put back in flower room?/
Yes your can! The top colas typically ripen first because they get more light. When they are ready, cut them off and leave the plant in your flower room; no problem! With the top of the plant removed more light will reach those lower branches and the energy that was going to the top is now directed to the remaining part of the plant. Flower it for another week, two weeks, whatever it takes. There will be no adverse affects. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
This is exactly the correct answer in my opinion. I am growing a scrog, and I intend to cut the tall colas and allow a couple of more weeks for the lower buds to develop and put on weight.

I would only re-veg if you have nothing else to grow atm. In the future, try to take cuttings and have some clones going. With those, you won't want to re-veg or develop lower buds much, because you'll need room to flower your clones. :)

Yes your can! The top colas typically ripen first because they get more light. When they are ready, cut them off and leave the plant in your flower room; no problem! With the top of the plant removed more light will reach those lower branches and the energy that was going to the top is now directed to the remaining part of the plant. Flower it for another week, two weeks, whatever it takes. There will be no adverse affects. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Yes your can! The top colas typically ripen first because they get more light. When they are ready, cut them off and leave the plant in your flower room; no problem! With the top of the plant removed more light will reach those lower branches and the energy that was going to the top is now directed to the remaining part of the plant. Flower it for another week, two weeks, whatever it takes. There will be no adverse affects. Good Luck!
but what about the practice of leaving the plant in the dark for 24 hrs to increase resin production? can i do this and still put it back into 12/12?


Active Member
There are people who have been doing this for a long timer -regeneration> But I think you're better off having some clones ready to go into the flower room as soon as these come out because it will take probably two weeks for them to revert back to veg and then another two weeks in veg state (at least) before they are ready to flower. By the time they are ready to go back into the bud room you could have been half way through flowering with the clones> maybe if you had enough plants in different stages you could pull it off but otherwise you will be wasting the time it takes them to revert back to veg...
It's worth a try though because maybe your overall yield will be better because they are bigger plants???
Another thing: If you have one plant that was just extrordinary, fast growning, huge & stickier buds than the rest, it might be good to put her under the 24hr cycle again to get some clones from a known superior plant & then bud her again. Hmmm


It sounds like many people are thinking you want to rejuvinate your plant by throwing it back into veg to grow more. This statement is however what I think to. If you remove the best and allow the others to mature for a couple weeks, it should all work out fine and well. The problem you may encounter is that the exposed cut ends may attract mold or parasites. If you can keep that from happening, I think you'll be set.