Harvesting and Drying Room


Well-Known Member
OK i am getting close to the point where i need to start thinking about where i am going to dry my precious little girls out.
I have a old barn on the back of my property that stays dry year round no moisture at all. All i am worried about is bugs.
I will smoke a roach but i prefer the kind without legs.

Should i dry out in the barn or find a place in the house just need to keep the smell to a min.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
OK i have decided to hang my harvest in side in a diffrent closet on nylon ropes with a dehumidifier and lights pointing up. I got some great information form a very happy plumber. Any suggestions would be great!


Active Member
OK i have decided to hang my harvest in side in a diffrent closet on nylon ropes with a dehumidifier and lights pointing up. I got some great information form a very happy plumber. Any suggestions would be great!
i know this,when u dry ur stash,in theory it should still contain 25 per cent water.this sounds strange but if over cured,could be harsh and wont be sticky.u want it sticky but dry and the stems should snap.thats a really good idea with de humidfer,but beware of heat with lights,ur budz will sweat out all there godness.area should be cool and dry.in saying that we have dryed dope in the roof of a mates house before(2 pounds)but it was winter then.beware of to much heat,it will affect potency.:joint:i wll be drying in closet hanging upside down,turning occassinally,when it almost dry i will spread it on some newspaper. when it hit about 75 percent of mostiure removed i will cure it in the bag.


Well-Known Member
i still have atleast three weeks till harvest. lights upside down on fishing line then to news paper then to jars. burping twice a week.