

Active Member

Hey peeps. Today is the 50th day of flower and the hairs are about 50/50 , I cant really notice any amber tichs, then again I dont have a scope. I was just looking on some input as to how much longer they have to go ? Also I got a plant in veg, and in the last few days it grew like 4 pistols, and there bigger than the ones I have ever seen, also on the very tips of them they are red. I was just wondering if anyone has any info on that. I will try and get a pic a little bit later, but all I have is a laptop cam so its not very good. Thanks , n stay high.
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :-P :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:well it would be much better to give an answer after you have a picture of it. oh and "pistols" are "pistils" I don't know if you meant to say otherwise :)
peace :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Yeh, my cam really sucks tho. But when the light turns on I will try and get a decent shot. And yeah pistils is what I meant. Anyone seen red tiped ones before?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Red tips are probably genetic. Maybe a mutation, called a sport in the greenhouse trade. If you don't have a scope, let em flower about 65 days. Most breeders recommend 8-9 weeks. I find this to be a bit optimistic on most strains. If it's more sativa, (tall, willowy, stretchy bitch), let it go 75 days. This should bring you ripe stinky buds.
Party on Garth