harvest tips anyone?

i have 2 clones and they are 50 days into flowering, and i was wondering what would be the propper way to harvest this, as i only have 1 main stem for each. now i wanna harvest it but keep some height on the plants and ive read something about FIMMING? can anyone elaborate, i know its an acronym for f*** i missed, but i dont know what a miss would be considered as? any tips? i was thinking of topping it where all the big nugs are, and removing all the others individually... any other ideas, if im going about this all wrong? be nice in your response, we we're all noobs once...


Active Member
dont really understand what ur trying to accomplish . but i belive ur mixing up growing methods with harvesting .
first , i think as far as i can tell , u want to regenrate the plants ? so ull harvest , and turn the plant back to vegging and then start the cycle all over again
with the SAME plant . to do this , u need to cut about 2/3 of the plant , U MUST LEAVE SOME BUDS ON IT , and turn the lights back to 24-0 for a few weeks
then start the vegging proccess all over again .
this is not a guide , and not suppose to be one , just a basic idea on how to do this . please read more about regenerating the plant .

if u just want to regular harvest it , meaning ull get all the bud and throw away all the leaves and stem .
then u just cut the plant at the bottom , throw away the soil and everything left in the pot .
then cut ur buds as clean as u want . good buds are without stems and leaves at all .

FIM , Topping are growing methods , the point of them is to cut away the top of the plant and produce more main colas.

Topping - cutting the very top of the plant , should produce 2 branches out of the cut.
FIM - cutting the top of the plant , not too deep as Topping , and it should produce 2 branches and more , out of the cut.
checkout the first and last Stickies for guides
thanks for the guide, understand more about fimming now, Just wondering how to harvest this thing and have it regenerate. i guess my Q' is now; its safe to cut off all the main nugs from the top by simple cutting the main branch completely through, and leave the lil popcorn nugs alone, since they are more at the bottom? then veg it all over again... or should i just remove the nugs by themselves, and leave the plant with as much height as possible. thanks for the response as well...extremely helpful +rep

Illegal Smile

You can reveg a plant but most growers who have done it seem to think it takes so much time that you are really better off starting a new plant.
mine are clones, ive read here on these forums that people will veg for 2 weeks after flower and start it up again on a 12/12. thats kinda the route i wanna take, so is there a such thing as taking off too much that could prevent the plant from coming back? i was going to remove all the nugs except the ones at the bottom by completey cutting the tree in half. too much? too little? any feed back is great, thanks! +rep


Well-Known Member
theres nada to do to it at that point 50 days flower dont fuck with it, hgarvest it when its done and do what you want in the next grow. thats what id do anyway
thanks, i was planning on leaving it to flower a few more weeks, glad to know im not the only one willing to wait... i guess im just wondering if i cut the plant's main branch during harvest, would i be making a mistake, should i just go after the nugs... what makes me asks this question is the fact that i cant reach into the plant to find the area to cut as of right now, but when i do decide to "pick flowers" i should be able to handle them which makes this question mute now... any suggestions are helpful. ive seen pics on here that people harvested everything on the plant, looks like a dead rose bush, just the stems, ya know, no leaves. how long would you wait until you would clip? im thinking harvesting in like week 10 to 12... the plant looks like it could bud bigger, i can wait, no rush...rather i did things right, not right now. +rep man, thanks


Active Member
u should clip 2/3 of the plant including the stem.

alot of people say that after regenerating the plant your buds will become smaller and so is your yield .
they dont belive its worth the time .
on the other hand there are some people that will say that the plant will become stronger , and bigger .

i would just harvest it , and grow a new one .