Harvest info Required :)


Active Member
A good friend of mine had this plant growing in his backyard , Mostly bag seed.

He said he wold share his stuff with me ,if i help him harvest it properly :)

Marijuana Gods please helps ::

which strain?
How long to harvest?

curing time?


Well-Known Member
which strain? your guess is as good as mine.

How long till harvest? How long has it been growing. Whats he been feeding it. Looks like a satvia


Well-Known Member
Looks like you been flowering around 4 weeks, eh? Pistils are still all white so wait until about half the pistils change to a darker color. From the pheno the plant appears to be mostly sativa which means you have weeks to go. Maybe 4-6 weeks depending on your lighting. Also, in the second pic I would stake up that big cola so gravity doesn't snap the branch too early. When pistils are dark and it is harvest time -- do not let any part of the plant hang after chopping. Trim immediately as all the sugar leaves you want to trim off will wilt if left to hang. Then they take 3 times as long to trim. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Definitely start supporting those branches, especially being outdoors. One good rain will snap a lot those branches. Plus it looks like the buds haven't really swelled up much, so it will be adding some more weight to those branches. As for how long, I can't help with that, probably best to get a scope and look at the Trics. GL.