Harvest Festival in santa rosa today


Well-Known Member
So all the clubs and what not in the Sonoma area are putting on a harvest festival thing. A little cannabis cup and some other cool stuff...pretty sure subcool and jill should be there. I just found out about it a few days ago but it is open to all patients I believe. I'm going to go check it out for sure. Thought others might not know about it either. Here's the email with the info...

Dear Folks,

SAMM presents the 14th annual Harvest Dance and Celebration on Sunday, November 4 from 12 noon to 10 pm. The Harvest Dance and Community Celebration is the oldest and longest running Medical Cannabis event in Sonoma County. Our goal is to “Facilitate an opportunity for the local and regional medical cannabis community to unite in a joint effort of celebration, education and accomplishment". The event will raise needed funds to benefit Americans for Safe Access and Project CBD.

The Celebration will be held at the Arlene Francis Center, 99 West 6th St. @ Wilson in Santa Rosa. AFC was formerly known as New College. The AFC cafe will be providing tasty, organic food & drinks.

There will be panel discussions, workshops, demos, vendors and more!


The EXPO will be FREE 12 noon to 6 pm. There will be free movies starting at 4 pm with “Super High Me” and “Leaf” at 5:30 pm.

The live music starts at 6 pm and includes Crossroad Drifters and MIDNIGHT SUN, who played at the first 5 Harvest Dances. DJ will be TUPAC CHOPRA and MC will be Jose Alacran-Gutierrez Mendo Bruce will entertain on guitar. We request a $10 donation to benefit ASA and Project CBD.

There will be announcements of HARVEST CUP 2012 winners and an Awards Ceremony. Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the day & evening and winners will be announced.

There will be Spoken Word with Slam Champion
Jewel Matheison, Sherry Glazer Love, Bruce Speaks, Jake Ward & Riis Larsen.

Also magicians, belly dancers, and many more surprizes! Also Ken Brown will moderate a discussion with local candidates. SPEAKERS include Martin Lee: “Smoke Signals” and Project CBD, Bliss Cameron, Edie Lerman, CW Analytical, Dave McCullick, Michael Shambrook, Sarah Shrader, Liona Held, Mitcho Thompson. Dr. Jeff Hergenrather will speak at 4:00 pm on the “Benefits of Cannabis for Cancer”. Omar Figueroa, Sebastopol attorney, will speak on “Collectives”.

Please contact us to volunteer---We especially need folks for set-up: 10-12 am and clean-up: 9-11 pm. Email addresses for Sarah or Mitcho are listed above.

Hope to see you all there on Nov. 4 for an educational and FUN day!