Harvest early!!!


Well-Known Member
My plants are just coming up to the end of week 6 flowering and i have to cut them down at the end off week seven will there not be as much weed and will it get me stoned? Its bubbleicous Nirvana ~(Flowering 8-9weeks.)




Active Member
I think if it recomends 8-9 weeks flowering, that's how long you should plan on flowering your plants. You're on week 6 - you've come this far... why not wait it out a bit more. You'll have better weed - way better if you leave it for a few more weeks.

What's your setup?

:peace: D.D.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will still get you high. I would recomend, if you need to harvest early to cut your light down to 8hrs/day (or less) for as many days as you can before you are forced to harvest.