Hannity uses Glenn Beck's footage.


Well-Known Member
I bet you all thought that I was a lib by the title of the thread.

However, I'm more so independent leaning toward conservative values, considering conservative values are what made our country so great up until recently. (You can't deny this, there is far too much evidence supporting it)


I know this is a week old, but didn't find anything on it.

I think this is quite funny actually. It just goes to show that anyone will pull a sleight of hand if they get the opportunity to where they think they won't get caught.

Yes, Fox News is bias. So is everyone toward everything. It's impossible not to be because if people weren't bias people wouldn't have opinions.

Fox has pulled significantly fewer sleight of hands then other networks, this much is certain.


New Member
I bet you all thought that I was a lib by the title of the thread.

However, I'm more so independent leaning toward conservative values, considering conservative values are what made our country so great up until recently. (You can't deny this, there is far too much evidence supporting it)


I know this is a week old, but didn't find anything on it.

I think this is quite funny actually. It just goes to show that anyone will pull a sleight of hand if they get the opportunity to where they think they won't get caught.

Yes, Fox News is bias. So is everyone toward everything. It's impossible not to be because if people weren't bias people wouldn't have opinions.

Fox still has pulled much fewer sleight of hands then other networks, this much is certain.
Fox pull less sleight of hand than other networks, Pshaw Oggle oogle burp, nice try.


Well-Known Member
I fixed it by changing one word before I even read your post.

Grammar police bring a smile to my day. I take so much pride in my own grammar that I have to point out others poor grammar, too! Not only do I help others out with their writing of the English language, but I also add a little derogatory flare to it, to make myself feel good by thinking I'm making the other feel worse.

Grow up.


Well-Known Member
Non issue.
Yeah, I agree. It's just funny because it's been a while since Fox has slipped up like this. Can't really call it a slip up though as it was intentional.

Delivering news as a commentator is simply analysis of news, as opposed to just reporting the news. Naturally, all will come with bias.

I find it hilarious that Fox is the most bashed but really one of the only means of conservative analysis. Liberal news dominates in quantity, however they certainly lack quality and audience.

Liberals have the significant upper hand in the media and still aren't making a positive impact. This can be seen this simply by watching the liberal news organizations tank.

Back to topic, all organizations of any kind have an agenda. It is generally not hidden and is out in plain sight to anyone with a keen eye. Their agenda is their bias.

However, facts are the truth and we all know how good that truth stuff is (or do we?). So, it doesn't matter if their is bias in the analysis, but it does matter that they are reporting news that actually matters.

Bias is opinion, it is simply favoring something.

Blind bias is completely different and is really only portrayed by ignorant people. Anyone who is open minded can change bias at any point.

Blind bias is having a pre-conceived notion toward something. This is what most people think the word bias means. :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The footage is probably stock pool footage that belongs to a few networks - where is the issue?

One thing about Fox - their commentators admit their positions unlike the other networks who pretend to be objective while omitting important news and spinning stories in a way that is sneeky and insidious. Only Fox ran the Acorn scandal - I guess that is not news to the other networks. Or, maybe they didn't run it because Acorn is Obama's family. Now that is insidious.

Love Fox or hate them, you have to admit that if it wasn't for Fox, the main stream media would be single handedly picking our leaders.

jeff f

New Member
well if hannity were a journalist or a news reader (ala dan rather) then its an issue. he is not. he is a conservative and makes no bones about it. not sticking up for fox, i could care less. i read/see/hear the news and i am intelligent enough to know when something is spun, much like most americans. that is specifically why obama and his policies are taking an ass whoopin in the polls. most people get it despite the spinners.