Halp! Plant dieing! Newb ned help!


Well-Known Member
Omg, I got these plants and they're not doing very well. First time I've ever grown but I've done my reading so I must be an authority. Please help

One is a clone I got from a friend, its 8 days old, still in a rapid rooter and looking yellowish. I believe this to be nutrient lockout given I'm feeding it nutrients every day for proper veg. I keep pulling it out to check the roots under my light 5 times a day, but for some reason the roots are starting to die. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with this one!!

My other plants are from seeds, one fell over, is lying in the dirt, and a light yellow/white color. Can I save this one? It was looking sorta weird with the seed shell on the plant a few days ago so I ripped the shell off of it because I want healthy plant with lots of bud!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Another plant was doing ok but is now twisted into a shoelace knot, I just checked it after coming home from work. I planted 10 days ago and its developing 2 leaves! Its under a 1000watt HPS, I've got a fan blowing on it to promote strong stems, and I've been watering it twice a day with heavy nutes. Why is this happening?!?!

Advice would be good, I plan on LST these girls then FIMing after i scrog the topped stems. I just topped my other 10 day seedling because I want 2 pounds per plant and its not growing. . . . Should I submerge it in a bath of pure nitrogen for best veg? To be honest, I only sorta halfassed my reading, but you guys can help me right? Help!!

Way too many new users


The half assing your reading may not help. Do you have a PH tester to see if it is way off and locking up the nutrients?


Stop watering everyday, stop tearing your plant out of the ground, stop giving nutes until your plants are ready for them
::nod:: Pretty much what has been said...a 1kw HPS is a bit strong for seedlings. Most suggest using CFLs or Flouro tube lighting for starting seeds and for a bit after that, because they are more prone to damage from heat/light than larger plants.

You shouldn't give nutes to seedlings and even when they are older you shouldn't give nutes every day in any event.

Quit pulling the damn thing out to look at the roots...for various reasons that just isn't the best thing you can do for it. Some say it is because it displaces them from the spots they chose to grow to reach more oxygen and whatnot. They could be right...all I'm saying is...don't do it, it doesn't matter why.

You may be able to save your clone, if you do a good flush and quit giving nutes for a week or so. Make sure your ph is balanced appropriately too. Get a simple fish tank ph test kit...should be about 3-4 dollars at Walmart, and it will at last help you get closer than it sound like you are now.
this is my first post.. i tend to just read the forums and learn from other people's mistakes, but i HAD to post something on this one...

come on guys.. read that again.. carefully.. and then notice mr. adam's status..

excellent job though grizzly, you even nailed the misspellings in the title.. the only problem is you used too much punctuation in the body and it's too easy to read! haha

strain stalker

New Member
...first time growers always learn the watering thing the hard way, we all go through this. Overwatering alone can make your plants turn yellow. If the ph balance is out of range, they can turn yellow. If you over fert they can turn yellow. Most likely, they are being locked out of (N) Nitrogen. Nitrogen can be locked out by all of the above mentioned.

...your 1K HPS is waaaaaaaaaay too much light, and not the proper spectrum for that stage of life....use floresants, cool and white bulbs....keep 2 inches away from tops of plants.
...you shouldn't need to water much once you switch to floresants for your young veg plants. Use your 1k HPS for bloom...you'll really only need it then, for HPS are the proper spectrum for bloom, and the more light the better at that stage.

...the humidity needs to be higher during the veg state , especially the younger ones....raise the humidity to like 70-80% if possible. Make sure the soil temp is around 70 for young seedlings...roots like to b warm early in life. A humidity doam and a seedling warming pad is what I would suggest for seedlings, and cuttings in your situation.

...the brown roots could be due to a fungus...due to overwatering. Try adding 1/2 ml. of hydrogen peroxide to each liter of water. This oxidizes the roots, and kills bacteria growth.

...to be realistic, 2 lbs per plant isn't going to happen. Hate to sound sooooo negative...but, if you can get 2 lbs per light your a very skilled farmer. I once had big dreams also...LOL! You'll do good though, so....stick to it, keep your thumb green, and don't stop asking questions! Never think you know everything about this...the more I learn the more I realize I have alot to learn...LOL

....but! ...I'd Flush my plants with distilled or reverse osmosis water that is ph correct until the run-off from the bottom is in the ph range desired...let them set for a hour or so...give them a 1/4 strength solution of week #1's feeding with hydrogen peroxide added to the feeding/h20....put under floresants, in a humidity doam, on a seedling heating pad until they get right....don't check the roots by pulling the plant out of the pots....wait to see the roots to be visible from the holes of the bottom of the pots.

...good luck!


Junior Creatologist
It's true though... I've been gone for a month n a half and this place is completely different. It's like a surge of people all of a sudden found out about RIU n decided to get on board, lol. It's all good though, more power to them if they stick with it. But people seriously need to READ THROUGH THE FORUMS BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION THATS BEEN ASKED A MILLION TIMES BEFORE. Lol, with that said, Welcome to RollItUp :D



Well-Known Member
I posted this thread as a joke. The fact that I got serious responses from new members is a little scary, not going to lie. LST then FIM after scrogging the topped stems? Nobody thought that was a ludicrous bag of crazy?

Sidewinder73, the date when you join a forum and the first time you grow are not synonymous. Kthxbye.

How can that thread be interpreted as anything but a travesty to mary jane? I think we should start shredding people who post stuff like this rather than helping, its a waste of people's time answering questions that are brilliantly outlined in sticky threads.

Its been getting bad the past few weeks, I've even been checking less because there's no real problems. Just new users who haven't taken the time to educate themselves. I've had a couple months on RIU, but come on, if someone's using you, confront their ass!! They're not an asset to this community! Marijuana should be grown by people who care about what they're doing. I swear alot of people grow in a way thats identical to buying 3 goldfish and trying to raise them in your toilet tank that has clorox tablets in it. Can I get a holler back?


Well-Known Member
very much a waste of time !!!!
close this junk
newbs need help too sometimes and some dont have no idea what a sticky is ...... so we cant down on those.


Well-Known Member
very much a waste of time !!!!
close this junk
newbs need help too sometimes and some dont have no idea what a sticky is ...... so we cant down on those.
Wyteboi - I don't discount that newbs need help. I'm on this site to help newbs and receive advice from those wiser than I.

A noob doesn't need to know what a sticky is. They need to read "how to grow marijuana" "101 already asked questions" and then indoor/outdoor growing threads depending on which they're doing. This is outlined clearly.

I quote widow in "BEFORE YOU POST!"

Before you post please do a search first. Your question has probably been answered multiple times already. It only takes a second. Just use key words like clone, female, bud, ppm... etc. This helps us by keeping the board clean and not so cluttered up.

The best way for us to help with your question is to include a picture of your problem. Explain your watering habits, soil, lights, temperature. The more information you can give us the better we can help you. Try to include the subject you are talking about in the title so others can identify them easily. "Need help" is a little vague. "Need clone help" is more of what we are looking for.

If a newb has a question on making their grow area work properly, I am ALL ABOUT that shit. I've put literally hours upon hours working with people who DID THEIR RESEARCH FIRST. My beef is people who don't do the reading, don't read the basic sections of the forum, then bump and squawk like crazy until an RIU member takes the time to answer a question thats already been answered. I'm going to use clevelandblazin for an example. Lots of questions, lots of problems, lots of times. . . but he knew the basics and had educated himself to the point where his questions were real ones not "omg how do i fertilize". I learned more than one thing while helping him over a few weeks and thats how I feel a forum should work.

Helping people work on their grow setups and plants is hella fun. Regurgitating mary jane 101 for a few afternoons will bore the hell out of anyone.


But then there's posts like this that make new users less inclined to post out of fear that they'll get criticized.
I dunno, I fell like it kind of makes new users feel unwelcomed, some people just make stupid mistakes when theyre starting, give 'em a break.


Active Member
You gotta piss on them if you want them to make any buds, after that stick them in the oven on 350 for a couple hours, that'll really boost the veg!! +rep please!


Active Member
Sidewinder73, the date when you join a forum and the first time you grow are not synonymous. Kthxbye.
No, but you mentioned new users and by that definition I wouldn't consider you an old user. Kthxbye!

And yes, you are right, it is not synonymous with how experienced you are, so I apologize for implying that you weren't experienced.


Well-Known Member
Nitz, I agree with you. Newbies should feel welcome to ask questions. REAL questions. I'm not saying people can't ask "I'm confused about fertilizers, can anyone give me advice" Yeah nutes are covered in FAQs but thats still a legit question! Theres tons of nutes out there and its confusing. I'm very cool with helping newbies.

This is what I see as something to be discouraged strongly
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/263269-new-grower.html - barely english, no real information, doesn't show respect to the community.
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/262844-drying-problem-buds-not-drying.html - There are drying and curing threads everywhere. I hurt for the guy because he lost his crop, but if there was more focus on research by the individual would he have read this on his own? Would his crop have spoiled? I feel that by being firm with basic self-education we will develop a community that can sustain itself. Answer regurgitation simply means that when the old crew backs out, the new crew will not have the same level of expertise. . . and RIU will decline.

I consider this a very valid newbie post
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/263141-newbie-question-i-tried-look.html - simple question, could he have found it? Yeah he probably could have but I'm still all about helping him out because its somewhat esoteric knowledge and not a "what is HPS" question.
https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/262406-slight-early-problems-help.html - already recognized his simple problem, asking for more info. Details, pictures, great! Lets help him out!

Sidewinder, I'll go ahead and shoot you an apology now for adding the kthxbye comment. Thats how flame wars start and snide comments sink ships no matter how small. However it takes two yes? I feel starting arguments about seniority is a needless conflict and I'm sorry I kept it going.

I'm not saying bash on newbies. My hope is as a community we can do a better job of keeping new posters to a standard that will make our community better. Maintaining a standard of what a post should be does not hurt a forum. It does not scare people away. I want everyone to have the best setup, the best information, and the best problem solving contacts possible. If someone receives horribly wrong information from a brand new grower who skimmed the light FAQ, thinks they're awesome, and tells someone that they need 300 lumens per square foot rather than 3k. Whoops! Or that you veg under 12/12. Or that someone should buy a 125CFM fan for a 1,500 cubic foot room. More experienced people should crack down on these comments because if this goes through we will lose members, lose credibility, and lets face it. . . deprive the world of good weed that could have been grown properly.

I'm not saying yell at noobs, don't read me wrong here boys. I'm saying as a responsible community we need to hold new members to a standard of at least making an effort to learn. We don't have to be rude, don't have to insult. I feel firmly telling people to clean up their posts or do their homework before spamming boards with questions that have already been answered is something that should happen regularly in order to keep information where it should be.


Thank you my good sir for clarifying your point. And yes, I agree with you. Me being a new grower myself, I basically created one thread with a difficult question to get answered, and continued to pick the brain of one of the seniors in that thread willing to help me. Thanks again DoctorD!


Nute only twice a week, or none at all if it is still rooting as a clone. Water only as needed!