Hallucinatory Mushrooms in TN


Ok...so, i've been wanting to try shrooms for awhile now, but i never have met the right person to hook me up. It seems like they're hard to find in the eastern part of this state. I went to Bonnaroo a couple years ago and the shit was everywhere. But my state of mind wasnt wanting to take a trip. Now, I want it, but Bonnaroo isn't in my future. haha. Anybody know what i'm talkin about?


And yeah...i've been contemplating on growing them myself. I'm just havin problems like finding the right place to order from and the procedures and all that. Apparently, all you gotta do is inject the Pscilocybin spores into the vermiculite grow cake and put it in a humid place and they'll grow. At least...that's what i remember of what i read. I hadn't researched it in complete detail


Well-Known Member
well when I said isolate I really ment in the cubenis family, as peeps think they are different strains but they are not. Someone found or cultivated a cube outside in that area, check my thread in my siggy for some teks...

an isolate is doing agar work to get a consistent myc performer, like genes but not...