half our government,all of gm and bankers should be tarred and feathered


Well-Known Member
what do you think? imo this shit has gone way to far ,no longer are all men created equal --bankers are better than carpenters


New Member
If yer talkin GM Execs And government politicians , I'll agree, But the Banksters, wall streeters, lobbyists, Insurance execs and a few other suspects must also be done away with, including most local movers and shakers.


Well-Known Member
insurance companies and lobbyists have distorted the moral fiber of this country to a degree that will take generations to repair in the name of capitalism "there is no presumption of morality in capitalism" good thing we we had all those honest hardworking "sons and daughters" to guarantee our freedoms.

where would all those shmucks be without them? they obviously don't have the same value or skill sets as me


New Member
Quick! See the man in the mirror? That's the guy who should be tarred and feathered! We have the government we deserve.

We are a country occupied by what was once fiercely independent, pro-liberty, anti-over reaching central governments ... and now we have evolved into a pablum of a citizenry that has an entitlement mentality. Face it ... most Americans (53% voted for Obama) enjoy living on the Federal Plantation.



Well-Known Member
They will get theirs.
It ain't your local banker though,
hes just doing a job and probably has no idea he committing fraud.
Its the heads of the Federal Reserve banks.
They are all closely tied in with the major banking houses.
Working to enrich themselves at our expense.
All these bailouts are just loans.
Loans we, without our consent, are liable for through taxation.

We need to kill the FED.
We need a return to real banking.
We need a government that will live within' its means.

Yes Vi we got what we deserve, IMO.
Hopefully the dim-wits will learn something next time around.
I doubt we can survive a full 8 years of spending at this rate.

I say we elect someone on the platform of "ending the civil war"
Declare the occupation of the war of Northern aggression over.
The United States defunct.
The Confederate states the new Government.
With a clean slate, LOL.
Then we just start over.

Its like we got an extra man at Pac-Man.