Half Ounce for $ 25 Dollars


New Member
the first 2 pics are "squaschd indoor" i call it :D need a grinder for this shit..

paid 40 bucks for 4.4 grams

and the second pic is sum "open'd indoor" its very easy to grind by hand and i found that pretty tasty :D i paid for that shit 100 bucks for 7 grams... yeah the dealers a city dealer ^^

peace out



New Member
that's that mexican dirt weed savior. pressed and dried. it'll get you high if you got nothing else, though.

a whole j doesn't even get you where one small bowl of quality green does.


Well-Known Member
what u wanna do is go to jamaica...
my friends r out there atm and they bought an oz of some serious chronic for £15!
$30 for an oz, you couldnt complain even if it was shitty weed!!
:mrgreen: bongsmilie


Active Member
hey has anyone order that stuff from the website herbal smoke shop?? i have been smoking for years and i just moved to harrisburg Pa area and i cant really find a dealer. is that stuff worth it the hawaiian gold herbal bud?? or any of them? does any one know please help i need to get stoned!!!:joint:
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hey has anyone order that stuff from the website herbal smoke shop?? i have been smoking for years and i just moved to harrisburg Pa area and i cant really find a dealer. is that stuff worth it the hawaiian gold herbal bud?? or any of them? does any one know please help i need to get stoned!!!:joint:
NOOO!! they are crap!! i tried a few while i was on probation, complete waste of money. drink beer and try to meet some cool people


Well-Known Member
NOOO!! they are crap!! i tried a few while i was on probation, complete waste of money. drink beer and try to meet some cool people

yea like really.... i mean common sense would tell you if its sold on the internet its not real tree....

that shit dont even taste good...you might as well smoke a stogie (cigarette)


Active Member
yea thats what i did i go to the hood and go up to people that i would think smoke and ask but they all say no most of the time like today i asked a bunch of people but they all think that am a nark or something cuz i am white but im not so i finally got one person i bought an O for 120 and when i got home to weigh it (i for got to bring it with stupid me!) it only weighed out to be 17.5 grams and its suppose to be an O i got ripped off. they guy gave me his number but when i tried callin no one picks up goes to voice mail. this blows!


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i did i go to the hood and go up to people that i would think smoke and ask but they all say no most of the time like today i asked a bunch of people but they all think that am a nark or something cuz i am white but im not so i finally got one person i bought an O for 120 and when i got home to weigh it (i for got to bring it with stupid me!) it only weighed out to be 17.5 grams and its suppose to be an O i got ripped off. they guy gave me his number but when i tried callin no one picks up goes to voice mail. this blows!
Was it good weed?!?!!? 120 for 17.5 of some dank shit sounds like a hell of a deal. But if it's that fucking bobby brown shit, I'd STILL say you got a decent deal. I usually pay at least $10 a gram for varying quality. More often than not it's fire.


yea thats what i did i go to the hood and go up to people that i would think smoke and ask but they all say no most of the time like today i asked a bunch of people but they all think that am a nark or something cuz i am white but im not so i finally got one person i bought an O for 120 and when i got home to weigh it (i for got to bring it with stupid me!) it only weighed out to be 17.5 grams and its suppose to be an O i got ripped off. they guy gave me his number but when i tried callin no one picks up goes to voice mail. this blows!
you didnt get ripped off that bad bro, thats about right for the hood deals. down here in the boot its about 80 an oz(avg. 20g) only so low cause when you're buyin it you get like three diff guys competing for the sale


Active Member
yea i guess but the first time i did it i paid 140 for 28 grams and it was good shit but i couldnt find that guy so this new guy gave me 17.5 grams for 120 its like man i feel ripped off that aint gonna last me long at all shit!! anyone in central pa please help


Active Member
I've got it set up.
I ran out of green lastnight, and I'm pretty much broke at the moment (quit my job cause my boss wanted me to work when my high school final exams where on.)
so this morning I tell my mum that I'm dry, and she just throws me 15g of her hydro.
ahh, now thats family XD


Well-Known Member
yea i guess but the first time i did it i paid 140 for 28 grams and it was good shit but i couldnt find that guy so this new guy gave me 17.5 grams for 120 its like man i feel ripped off that aint gonna last me long at all shit!! anyone in central pa please help
nice dude, i used to pay that little for an oz of good shit 20 years ago in nepa. check out hightimes page where they have current prices of mids and dank, it's a minimum $250-450 an oz. Happy Tokin' Dudes.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I've got it set up.
I ran out of green lastnight, and I'm pretty much broke at the moment (quit my job cause my boss wanted me to work when my high school final exams where on.)
so this morning I tell my mum that I'm dry, and she just throws me 15g of her hydro.
ahh, now thats family XD
that's hilarious dude, i wish my mom was like that, i wouldn't even have to go to the hood for anything then!


Well-Known Member
hey has anyone order that stuff from the website herbal smoke shop?? i have been smoking for years and i just moved to harrisburg Pa area and i cant really find a dealer. is that stuff worth it the hawaiian gold herbal bud?? or any of them? does any one know please help i need to get stoned!!!:joint:
no way dude, fight the craving, stick with the guys you got from, cuz you're better off getting the 25 per 1/2 that krillianred got, than any of that fake crap. shit's probably worse for ya than any tobacco or pot in the long run.