Had to do an emergency chop- I hope this doesnt taste like shit...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Alright so i had a pakistan ryder a good 65 days into its life, The trichomes were a good 50% amber, i just started flushing late saturday night.. The problem was on the last feeding i burned the shit out of my plant. So on saturday night i ran 3 gallons of distilled water through my one gallon pot.. Shitty thing is it didnt seem to help, It got so burned that it started degrading the top of the main cola, the burning moved from the sugar leaves all the way to the bud so i decided i better chop before it killed the plant.. I cut it down last night and am drying it.. The question i have is the bud going to taste like utter shit since i didnt let it flush for a whole week?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Okay then im not as worried.. Im just glad it was fully matured and i didnt do this earlier in cycle haha...

WickedPagan, By the black ash test their has been plenty of bud ive smoked that hasnt been properly flushed that i really havnt been able to tell the difference.. Before i moved to CO i was a the will of what was comin in, so many times had i seen my bowl sparkle and black ash.. Honestly i never thought it was that bad so im really not worried.. Thanks for the vid though, it was very informative!


Well-Known Member
lol i watched the beginning of that and i can tell you that im like 90% sure that what hes descrbing as "unflushed bud" is actually uncured bud and bud that wasnt dried properly.


Well-Known Member
i dont think flushing helps much, it does do something though. but i dont smoke synthetics anymore. i have read about synthetics compounds with crappy tastes that never "flush" away. the simple fact that you feel you need to "flush" your plant before you cut it down is ridiculous to me. like in nature you "flush" your strawberries before you pick them? if you feel the need to flush it makes me wonder why you are using such hazardous and weird synthetic materials, it seems counter intuitive. if they were the same as organics as all yall sythetics users claim then there would be no need to ever flush right? organics rule


Active Member
For being something that isn't important they sure have put all kinds of money into research and development into such substances as Clearex or Final Phase. If you like smoking fertilizers then by all means feed up until harvest but if you don't like smoking extra chemicals it is recommended to flush the remaining nutrients out of the plant so it knows it's dying. Does anybody here really know anything about botany or is this forum just all hear say? If you can't tell the difference or if you don't care the quality of the end result then do as you please. You can grow how ever you want.


Active Member
lol i watched the beginning of that and i can tell you that im like 90% sure that what hes descrbing as "unflushed bud" is actually uncured bud and bud that wasnt dried properly.
I dried some weed in a small convection oven in about 15-20 minutes and it didn't look like that and I didn't even cure it. It burned just fine but it just didn't have full flavor. Explain that one if you're 90% sure. How can you get any improper of a drying technique than that on top of not curing and still not look anywhere close to that. I'm 90% sure you don't know what you're talking about.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
I have seen/smoked weed that wasn't properly flushed and it is not the most pleasant smoke. It sparkled and you could taste the fertilizer and it burned into a black soot instead of a solid gray ash. It's definitely not an old wives tale.

you got it right bro, unflushed weed is for loser ass crack heads mixing it with some tweak hahaha maybe african american and mexicans will enjoy it

whats ittoyabub

New Member
Alright so i had a pakistan ryder a good 65 days into its life, The trichomes were a good 50% amber, i just started flushing late saturday night.. The problem was on the last feeding i burned the shit out of my plant. So on saturday night i ran 3 gallons of distilled water through my one gallon pot.. Shitty thing is it didnt seem to help, It got so burned that it started degrading the top of the main cola, the burning moved from the sugar leaves all the way to the bud so i decided i better chop before it killed the plant.. I cut it down last night and am drying it.. The question i have is the bud going to taste like utter shit since i didnt let it flush for a whole week?
nothing that Los Gangales aka LA hasnt had since 2004 fucking lazy ass wets growing bud and giving it to clubs wet and chemical filled what the FUCK! thats why i stopped buying herb down there and moved to northern cali hahaha

whats ittoyabub

New Member
i dont think flushing helps much, it does do something though. But i dont smoke synthetics anymore. I have read about synthetics compounds with crappy tastes that never "flush" away. The simple fact that you feel you need to "flush" your plant before you cut it down is ridiculous to me. Like in nature you "flush" your strawberries before you pick them? If you feel the need to flush it makes me wonder why you are using such hazardous and weird synthetic materials, it seems counter intuitive. If they were the same as organics as all yall sythetics users claim then there would be no need to ever flush right? Organics rule
you my friend are a moron

whats ittoyabub

New Member
i dont think flushing helps much, it does do something though. but i dont smoke synthetics anymore. i have read about synthetics compounds with crappy tastes that never "flush" away. the simple fact that you feel you need to "flush" your plant before you cut it down is ridiculous to me. like in nature you "flush" your strawberries before you pick them? if you feel the need to flush it makes me wonder why you are using such hazardous and weird synthetic materials, it seems counter intuitive. if they were the same as organics as all yall sythetics users claim then there would be no need to ever flush right? organics rule
when do you feed your strawberrys hardcore nutes every 3 days ya dumb fuck get some analogies that work


Well-Known Member
I dried some weed in a small convection oven in about 15-20 minutes and it didn't look like that and I didn't even cure it. It burned just fine but it just didn't have full flavor. Explain that one if you're 90% sure. How can you get any improper of a drying technique than that on top of not curing and still not look anywhere close to that. I'm 90% sure you don't know what you're talking about.
so what do you say about this... i have harvested at least 4 crops now without flushing (3 or 4 crops flushed) and all my buds burn evenly with gray ashes and taste great to the last hit. when its drying however, ill take a bud here and there and either quick dry it or if its mostly dry ill smoke it that way and this is when the joint will burn uneven with black ashes and not gray and also this is when its dificult to keep the joint lit. i simply dont think nutes are stored in the buds.

your wrong.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
do it how you enjoy it, but when ur dead from nutes and shit in your lungs and kidneys and liver your gona be wishing you had a brain and didnt smoke it with all that crack


Well-Known Member
well heres the thing, its for me and my patients, and i actually care. if it indeed is harmful for us then i will change my ways. ill be doing more research tonight on the subject. i can say this, there is no noticeable difference for the smoker between flushed or unflushed. unless i and my patients and friends all have some fucked up taste pallets or something.


Well-Known Member
real simple..if your worried about the getting the chemical taste out of it from not flushing....water cure it...it wont have that strong aroma and loses bag appeal...but water curing it will take all of the impurities out,making the bud taste and smoke much smoother...if you dont think flushing isnt a big deal then just dry and cure normally..then try it water cured or properly flushed and see the difference


Active Member
To the OP--you should be fine, just imagine that you're picking a tomato the day after applying fertilizer. No problem, no difference.

Can one of you doom and gloomers that insists on flushing, please explain what it is that you think is collecting in the bud? Plants don't uptake 'fertilizer'. They uptake nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, etc.. There's no mystical event taking place that that transports a clump of fertilizer through the roots, up the stem, and out into the leaf or bud sites. Think of your own body...when you eat peanut butter, do little globs of peanut butter collect in your fingertips? No, you digest the peanut butter, and your digestive tract (greatly simplifying the process here) absorbs the sugars, amino acids, and fats that your body can then use for whatever it needs.

The idea (meme) of flushing makes tremendous sense, but only if you don't understand what's going on biologically. I think that's how many of these Old Wive's Tales are propogated.

Now, I'm new to growing these plants, so if someone has some actual evidence that there's something going on in the life cycle of this plant that is different from every other plant, I'm open to learning more about this exception. But I suspect the marijuana plant grows just like the other millions of plant species on Earth.