had a question about harvesting


Active Member
ok, so I got my plant about 2 months ago. I don't know when exactly it was planted because it was found by a friend growing out by a lake. The plant isn't very tall-only about 5 inches or so, and if I read correctly, it is due to lack of sunlight. However, it is still budding very well and seems to be very healthy despite its stunt in growth. It's been budding for about a month or so.

My question is, does anyone have any idea when would be the best time cut it and begin curring it? I know it's tough to estimate concidering I don't know when it began growing, but if someone would be able to just give me an estimate, that woul be great.
Thanks :weed:


Active Member
kinda hard to tell without a pic but wait til the buds swell up and some of the hairs start to recede back into the bud, try to get a pic up here


Active Member
30-100 power microscope or magnifying glass to look at trichomes. when they start to turn amber colored you are ready to harvest.