H2O2 Question


Well-Known Member
i just bought some 29% H2O2. i was wondering do i add it to my res before adding the nutes to feed? if so how long before? or can i add it after i mix my nutes?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...most growers use the 3%, you might want to go easy w/ that 29%. I put my h202 in every other day no special order of when to use it, use it as you need it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I've just fed mine from a bottle of 35% Hp at 1ml per gallon.
I put it in just before the nutes and PH'ing.
Time will tell if I've done anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I've done the same thing again since that post and everything is fine.
same here everything is great. ive read to add it a few min before your nutes because its an oxidizer and will mess with your nutes. i also e-mailed the company and they said the same thing.


Well-Known Member
I use 29% at a rate of 5ml per gallon of res water. and after 3 or 4 days i add more because it evaporates fast. 3% is worthless

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
I use 29% H202 on a daily basis. 14ML dailey per 25 res gallons. Works great. I usually mix it with one gallon of water and pour it in just after lights out. I usually wait 5 or 6 hours at least after putting in any nutes. Increases oxygen in res, and keeps it free of root rot at the same time. Done it for the last 2 years. Just don't add it to the res without mixing it with a gal of water first.


Well-Known Member
Chlorine works just as well if not better. If your going the sterile route that is. If not and u want to use organic nutes/additives go with a enzyme product like Hygrozyme
I started using 3% it was ok. But had to buy truckloads. used 29 too. went to the 35 or 34% Food Grade. Way better reaction with the nuts. I wait bout 30 mins before nuts. The 29% is tech grade no standards of whats in it. It has more stabilizers phosphorous and Acetanilide. and its hard to determine exactly the ratio of stabilizers. 35% disinfects way better than chlorine. I even use it in my hotub. I also put i drop in a gallon and drink the shit. The oxygen gives me energy boost. But be careful with it turn your hand white. Plants love it. I order mine from Hydrogen 2o2.com by the gallon.


New Member
I have a question about the 29% solution. When you dilute it with water, at 3ml per 4 liters of water, does that then make it 3%? I'm trying to figure out how much to use daily.