H202 mixing with other chemicals

i was curious if anyone knows what products, or product lines can't be mixed with H202 @ 35% ? i had to start adding it to my res because of starting root rot, i had an issue with res. temps that was fixed. But i wanted to make sure there wasn't anything i should be looking for in my product line that reacts with it. I was reading through a thread where Al B. fucked said to use 1.5ML per L in your resivoir and it also said i can add it all the time every 4 days through the whole grow cycle for better health and added oxygen for roots does anyone else add this weekly?

I use Humboldt products master program if anyone knows of possible reactions .....

One last question about H202 since it provides oxygen to roots and helps keep them "healthy" is it something that can be supplimented into dirt grows feeding schedual for better root production?


Well-Known Member
I think u turned everyone away when u wrote, chemicals. Good luck with ur answer tho. Wish i could help:(


Well-Known Member
H2O2 is not compatible with organics...

H2O2 will kill the bacteria, beneficial or not, indiscriminately..

NEVER use H2O2 with organic nutes or additives....

And NEVER use H2o2 with soil...

Hope this helps... :eyesmoke:

Edit: I am a total Fucthead, and my op is modeled after Al B. Fuct's...
i mean h202 and water overnight to clean our the roots? And so just to make clear since some of humboldts is organic and some isn't it doen't matter it just can't be used with it.


Well-Known Member
Do not use H2O2 with ANYTHING organic.... period..

no soil... no organic hydro nutes... no jiffy pellets or coco coir...

H2O2 is STRICTLY for IN-organic ops...


Well-Known Member
Do not use H2O2 with ANYTHING organic.... period..

no soil... no organic hydro nutes... no jiffy pellets or coco coir...

H2O2 is STRICTLY for IN-organic ops...
What Gypsy said, in an all organic grow h202 kills things

I have used it in soil with chemical nutes Though my soil is/was organic to start with I was not worried about killing things since I want to be in control of how they are fed

Oh by the way Hi Gypsy loved your first tree grow!
hmm well everything i use in hydro and soil have organic addatives so using it with any of my chems, or inside my resivoir along with hydro chems is not do able... gypsy can i use your mix (broken down to equal out since i use 35%) inside plain water and run it with just h202 and water overnight to help clear up the root rot? or what would you suggest?


Well-Known Member
You could empty your res and run 1.7ml per liter of 35% H2O2 for a couple of days...

and then resume your normal schedule...


Might I suggest some IN-DEPTH reading of Al B. Fuct's threads...

Like him, I see ZERO advantage to "organic hydro".. only complications.. as you are experiencing right now...

But this is YOUR GROW... so go with what you know...:razz:
hmm yeah good stinking points.... well what the heck do you run on hydro? i used to run fox farms and that was an absolute pain in the ass... i guess i am going to run h202 for the night or more and clear the roots up thengo back to feeding... after this grow i will think about other products... the humbolt thing is actually a great product but i see the points made with the "organic" thing

fox farms wasn't a pain in the ass like hard it just sucked... and the deficiencies were a pain ......

Al B. Fuct makes some pretty good points on this post...


taken from...


He was talking to a soil grower, but the point remains the same...:razz:
i ended up grabing the gen hydro line so i could suppliment the h202 and see the difference. theres a fairly dramatic difference i think... the node spacing seems to be a bit tighter the growth looks much larger... i am happy... but i am also really happy with the humbldot master AB program.. so now i am running both on hydro till i can 100% perfect the chemical levels per stran, and truly decide what i want out of what i am getting.


Iuse Hesi products, I add them to my water and water 200ml a day in veg, stage A cemical alled root complex tnt or super zime is for healther roots


Well-Known Member
H2O2 is not compatible with organics...

H2O2 will kill the bacteria, beneficial or not, indiscriminately..

NEVER use H2O2 with organic nutes or additives....

And NEVER use H2o2 with soil...

Hope this helps... :eyesmoke:

Edit: I am a total Fucthead, and my op is modeled after Al B. Fuct's...

H202 is a great supplement for your plants. Most hydrogen peroxide sold in the US is 3%. A tablespoon of that in 1/2 gallon of water is great for your roots. I only grow in soil and i use it for every other feeding.

Hydrogen peroxide, when diluted as i mentioned, helps to kill bad pathogens (anerobic-non oxegen using) and provides oxygen to the beneficial bacteria (areobic-oxygen using) as it breaks down and releases the extra oxygen molicule-an unstable bond. Without dilluting it, it will kill indescriminently.

This is based on my composting knowledge and experience in both composting and growing.

Perhaps we should kung-fu fight to detemine who is right?