Gun Lovers, You're Screwed.


Active Member
Nobody has the right to lock a country down. Advocating for that is evidence of your obedient servitude. Appalling, frightening, blind.

You have the right to quarantine yourself, you have the right to repel others who want to violate your quarantine and crawl under your bed where you cower and cough in your ashen frightened triple masked face. Nobody should do that to you. It's okay. you're safe.

There is no "we" with rights that supersede the rights of an individual. Gang rape methods are doing it wrong. Is there something unspeakable from your past that powers your control issues ?
do you feel the same about the Texas abortion law?

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
how do you get forced turnout in "truly free countries" ?
that's not forced turnout...forced turnout is when the gestapo shows up and tells you who you voted for...
With the vote scam going on in the US what you actually vote is not necessarily what is recorded. The actual voter canvassing and comparing that to what the local votes that were recorded are not matching up. Maricopa AZ County alone had nearly 300k ghost votes.


Well-Known Member
With the vote scam going on in the US what you actually vote is not necessarily what is recorded. The actual voter canvassing and comparing that to what the local votes that were recorded are not matching up. Maricopa AZ County alone had nearly 300k ghost votes.
Screen Shot 2021-09-13 at 9.14.39 AM.png

Because it really doesn't look like you do if you are going to try to sell that lie.

This was a good quick read on the bullshit you are trying to sell:

The propaganda claims from the Republicans were destroyed by just a quick double check to see the people who they said were not there really were or had just moved. It is so sad how desperate you are to sell the lies of the Republican party man.

There was one post that you showed you could be more than another in the endless line of paid trolls attacking this site, but since then you have gone back to spreading bullshit. Ah well, I just hope you didn't get in trouble with your handlers for letting your mask slip and being a real person for a moment.

Best of luck in your real life troll, I hope that you warn everyone you care about of the dangers this online warfare so that they can harden themselves to the attack that is hitting everyone.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
With the vote scam going on in the US what you actually vote is not necessarily what is recorded. The actual voter canvassing and comparing that to what the local votes that were recorded are not matching up. Maricopa AZ County alone had nearly 300k ghost votes.
no, they did not...quit listening to tucker carlson and steve bannon, they have an agenda that has racism, isolationism, misogyny, and fear at it's core. they are small men who live with unreasonable fear every day, and now they are trying to make the rest of us fear what they fear, so they won't feel so small and stupid and useless...don't be small, stupid, and useless...
put in a little effort, go to news sources from all over the world and read articles about the same things...if they all agree, you can trust it...if a small man with a loud voice tells you "the news" CANNOT trust it...they are single individuals, with no time to do any investigative reporting of their own, because they're too busy scanning the internet for stories they can manipulate to suit their agenda...they leave important passages out of their "research", to mislead the simple minded, and further their hateful plans.
i challenge you to find one reputable source for ANY of the information in your post...just one....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
oh wait.. I thought everyone is forced to wear a mask and get vaccinated. But i see no gestapo.... strange
Not even so much as a fine...

you don't look very have to quit quitting when you find the first story that supports your paranoia..keep reading...the truth IS out there, and it doesn't come from trump, carlson, greene, bannon, or lindell