Gun Lovers, You're Screwed.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely what?

Grade D, incomplete answer.

You must reply in full.
Defending democracy yes. People got tired of the bullshit. Trump supporters getting shitted on left and right but it's ok for the democRATs to get away with everything. DemocRATs want your health, wants your guns, and want control over you.


Well-Known Member
Defending democracy yes. People got tired of the bullshit. Trump supporters getting shitted on left and right but it's ok for the democRATs to get away with everything. DemocRATs want your health, wants your guns, and want control over you.
Thanks, you have raised your score a little.

Now then, about the other questions you failed to answer

Did Trump's trade war with China teach them to respect the US?
Are the recent spate of extreme weather events (drought, hurricanes, tornados, flooding) due to global warming?

You must answer.


Well-Known Member
you realize that "antifa" means antifascist... right? Id hope ALL teachers are antifa instead of antiUSA like the ones on 1-6. wearing nazi crap and attacking cops.
It's all propaganda. What's really happening is the opposite. You are so so lost it's unreal. Who wants to defund cops and take away legal firearms.


Active Member
Defending democracy yes. People got tired of the bullshit. Trump supporters getting shitted on left and right but it's ok for the democRATs to get away with everything. DemocRATs want your health, wants your guns, and want control over you.
You think masks and vaccines are oppressive but the TX abortion bill that asks people to act as vigilantes for 10k is cool? Or not letting people in line to vote have water? or one pollin center in a county is cool? You traitors are delusional


Well-Known Member
You think masks and vaccines are oppressive but the TX abortion bill that asks people to act as vigilantes for 10k is cool? Or not letting people in line to vote have water? or one pollin center in a county is cool? You traitors are delusional
Where the hell are you getting your news from CNN. Jesus Christ you are delusional.


Well-Known Member
Defending democracy yes. People got tired of the bullshit. Trump supporters getting shitted on left and right but it's ok for the democRATs to get away with everything. DemocRATs want your health, wants your guns, and want control over you.
While I am crediting you with an A for completeness, your reply gets an F for being made up shit.

I will explain: Democracy doesn't mean your side wins when your side fails to win the election. So, no. The Jan 6 rioters were not defending democracy when they tried to overthrow the results of a perfectly run, free and fair election.