Guitar Help


Well-Known Member
Ok recently when I have been playing around on my guitar this song keeps coming up, and the worse part is i only remember a portion of it. I have no idea where it is from and it is frustrating me. There is a chance that I just made this up and convinced myself that its a real song. I put it into a tab so anyone out there that plays guitar and reconizes the song please tell the name of it :-P.
sry about the low quality of the tab, best i could do with my computer skills and pirated software




Well-Known Member
So done that many a times ... Got me out of college ...

I wrote my senior composition based on two different brand cell phones ringing at roughly the same time. Had the interval stuck in my head for weeks before I realized where I'd heard it. Got a damned A off those two cell phones.

Really interesting how that works out.



Well-Known Member
I just ran across this thread and caught the song right off. Yup, Burn One Down. My neighbor is obsessed with it and we having been working of building a dual guitar version of it.