Guerilla Growing Ferts


Active Member
First and foremost, I would like to apologize in advance for my question. I normally try to keep my post count down with these types of questions, I found the search tool to be extremely effective, usually more effective than creating a new post. I simply could not find a clear discussion on it tho.

I have a guerrilla grow ops of about 2 dozen plants. I recently placed them outside after being a month inside. After planting, I have fertilized with MG tomato nutrients at 1/2 strength and superthrive, a month before planting I treated the soil with some lime. This is what I plan on doing all through veg, but with full strength nutes.

I have some Expert gardener bloom fert, which is 10-50-10. I was going to just use this and some mollassas because of how simple it is. It appears that most people get really excited about their bloom ferts in comparison to their veg ferts.

I decided to spend the cash and get some nice ferts for bloom... and then I felt the immense weight of decisions fall upon me.

The key is simple. I have seen great reviews for Advanced Nutrients, but they make it so difficult to decide what to do. I would need soluable ferts that can be applied once every two weeks. I looked into General Hydroponics, I like how simple it is, but I am not doing hydro so I am not sure if it would be ideal for an outdoor guerilla grow.

Fox farm products are seemling low in nutrients, exp: Tiger Bloom (2-8-4). I found this to be the case for some AN products like Igunana bloom, (4-3-6). I thought I would need numbers like 15-30-15. Are they just not concentrated enough? Could I get away with just ignuana juice or floranova and nothing else for budding?

I have a budget of $50-75 or so, for a guerilla grow in clayish soil, which option would be best?

I am confused about base and additives, I just want one or two things to buy.... three at most. Exclusive for blooming, my tomato fert and superthrive should get me through veg.

Thank you for the input, and sorry for the same tired question. But I am a newb and I need things expressed in the most simpliest of terms for my inexperienced mind.
As far as I understand GH nutes seem higher because you reuse them in your hydro system. I could be wrong but it seems logical. I have heard nothing but positive things about FOX FARM and I have seen a lot of threads on this sort of thing. However an alternative you may want to look into is animal poop, especially Lama, sheep and bat's I believe. Good luck

Also I dunno If you have a grow store near by but they often sell slow release fertalizers aswell, which would mean only one thing to buy and only a couple applications.
When I grow outside though I simply grow in good organic soil rich in nutes allready and just put my plants in pots sunk in the ground, not sure if thats an option for you tho..


Active Member
ADVANCED NUTRIENTS HEAVY HARVEST I would use this stuff only have to use once if your doing guerilla thats less time at your grow less of a chance for some one to see you keep it safe

northeastern lights

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