Growshop Alien


Well-Known Member
I ordered from them about a year ago, and got some lowryder.. ALL of which were males. and i got 10 free seeds of osmething else... i got it in about a week or so...

Im just curious though, because iplaced an order just about 3 days ago.. i got a confermation... and i sent an email and asked how long it would take..

and the reply was

"10 days or so, "lets just hope you get it"

it made me kind of mad. Because they used to be nice and i woudlnt think they would say shit like that.

It didnt sit well.... it made me think they were not going to send the seeds, and just lie and say they did and make up an excuse liek "oh it probably got taken by customs" and keep my money.

Grrr i really hope i get the seeds.


Well-Known Member
that sucks. why would anyone write that, especially from a buisness. Hope all goes well and no more males. good luck