growing year round in FL?


Active Member
Does anyone grow year round in FL? I grew some autos from Jan/Feb to harvest. I did some non autos this summer and it sucked. constant heat issues. I was wondering if anyone grows year round and can you use regular or autos?I assume you could with reg it would just produce less do to shorter days but Im not entirely sure? Was hoping for some feedback.



Well-Known Member
Yes, its possible to grow year round in Socal. The biggest issue is that the plants don't get bigger, they just flower at the same size once they get put out.

Same for Florida too, probably. The winter temps and humidity are much more ideal than summer for growing. You might want to invest in an indoor light to veg the plants to good size before putting them out for the winter where they will jump into flower immediately


Well-Known Member
If you grow outdoors in cali or Florida during the winter it will work.

However you should be prepared for much smaller yields. Not only does the plant flip as as soon as its sexually mature leave zero extra veg time but it also get short direct light cycles as winter progresses. So flowering will be less spectacular.

The other thing to really take into account is not starting one that will flip to flower and then head into spring where the light cycles begin to extend again. Thats a regev issue waiting to happen.


Well-Known Member
If you vegged inside until they get to a good size you would have awesome outdoor flowering conditions and would have a lot of control over how big they get.