Growing with t5's


Well-Known Member
They are not ideal for flower or veg really but you can get some bud from it, I recommend you look into scrog it will allow you to keep an even canopy and get the most light to your buds. You should look into a hps you can find one for under $100 if you search and it could triple your yield if not more.


Active Member
I dont know what scrog is? This is what my room looks like, I just dont got the cash or I would get a hps. 100_9475.jpg


Well-Known Member
scrog = screen of green. You let your plants grow through a screen which helps maintain level canopy height. T5's are amazing for vegging plants - a bit better than MHs in my opinion. If you do pull off a scrog and maintain the lights nice and close to your plants you can pull a pretty decent yield off a t5. Distance is really the key to fluorescent lights so remember to keep it close.

Here's a picture of a CFL scrog:



Active Member
Ok Thanks. I think this will be the first time watering my plants in there new pots I just moved what looks like a cardboard cup to a bigger pot. And what I would like to know if the soil is wet, and humiity is high 60-75% is that to much?


Well-Known Member
For transplanting you really want to get the new soil super wet and then let it sit for a day or two before transplanting into it. This ensures your new soils is evenly moist with no dry spots and that there is enough gas in the soil for proper gas exchange in the roots. 60% humidity is ok, 75% is a bit high. For veg you might be able to pull off high humidity but when you go to flower it may cause mold/mildew issues.


Well-Known Member
scrog = screen of green. You let your plants grow through a screen which helps maintain level canopy height. T5's are amazing for vegging plants - a bit better than MHs in my opinion. If you do pull off a scrog and maintain the lights nice and close to your plants you can pull a pretty decent yield off a t5. Distance is really the key to fluorescent lights so remember to keep it close.

Here's a picture of a CFL scrog:

now thats nice gastanker


Active Member
Again thanks. This will be my first grow, I honestly though it would be kinda easy to grow, How hard could it be I though to myself. There is just so much to learn. I have to flower these girls under the H.O. t5. Its all I got :( .


i have been having a bit of trouble with humidity and i fixed it by running my fan 24/7 sorted it right out hope it helps.

subscribing to this one curious to see what yield you get off the t5 i have one too but only for veg. +rep


Well-Known Member
Again thanks. This will be my first grow, I honestly though it would be kinda easy to grow, How hard could it be I though to myself. There is just so much to learn. I have to flower these girls under the H.O. t5. Its all I got :( .
If you do it correctly there is no need for a frowny face. I know a guy that runs a 10 lb room with just T5s. Read everything you can on here, don't overwater/over fertilize, and keep the lights as close as possible without touching and you'll be golden. I would recommend using a screen like pictured above or training them to have an even canopy - really helps when using fluoros.


Active Member
hey fellaz whats up here is some 3 blackberry feminized they looking anything to worry about or what? i have 78 watts in there now with the temps at 75