growing weed in the ground..


Well-Known Member
For the raised bed, you need at least six inches of soil and one square foot of space per plant. Use untreated lumber (2 x 6 lumber will do) and level the area so you don't create a puddles.

I've done one plant in a five gallon bucket. It grew, but I enjoy using raised bed more. For example, I'm also growing tomatoes, carrots, snow peas, lettuce, and peppers. Once I harvest a plant, I rip the roots out, till the soil, and plant something else in its place -- your not supposed to plant the same thing two seasons in a row (crop rotation).

Plus, from the other side of the yard it looks like a normal garden. You have to get up close to see the cannabis plants. Another nice benefit is that onions and spices ward off some insects.


Well-Known Member
I should also mention, I'm in SoCal and the storm hit my area hard earlier this week. The past few days we've seen dime to quarter size hail and about 5 inches a rain a day. Parts of the yard are flooded but the raised bed is draining & breathing well and so far my plants are okay. We haven't had hail or temps this low in years! The cold might be slowing the growth (I can't really tell yet, but it wouldn't surprise me), otherwise they are doing fine.