Growing question


Well-Known Member
Until i get my grow room into tip top shape i was wondering if i could just sterilze some dirt from the ground and grow them with the sunlight


Active Member
Apparently you can bake the soil in your oven to sterilize, but it'll stink your house up bad.. Otherwise if you find soil where you see alot of other garden plants that naturally respond to the soil well then try get a clean spot of that. It should be alright.. I've been growing an indoor plant with garden soil and it has had its problems - but it will naturally fight to survive in the soil unless your killing it somehow so it will be alright until you can transplant into better soil. And sunlight is alright but try to grow it under any light source you can find around the house until you can get proper lighting.

Other than that, happy growing and good luck with your grow room and your kids :)