Growing question!


Active Member
Ok so i started my first plant about 2 weeks ago now and i have some new questions , Well i took the tenfoil out of my box and got a reflector thing that goes on your front win sheild of your car, anyways i am only growing one plant in about a 1 foot and 1/2 width and 2 1/2 - 3 foot Height box how much bud should i exspect from it Also i am using 2 6500k Cfls will this get my plant throught vegging stage also what cfls should i use for Flowering? heres a pic


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Just wrap the pots in black plastic or something to keep light out until you transplant into a bigger pot.
Are those 26w cfls? If so two may not be enough when the plant gets bigger, if you want it to be bushy you want at least 3 42w cfls on it, 6500k is the right spectrum for vegging, when you flower you will need 5 or more at 2700k to get any decent nugs in that space. The key to cfl growing is keeping the lights close and all around the plant, lumens decrease rapidly the further away from the light source you are.
Get it right and the plant will nicely fill that growspace.