Growing Other Pest Repellent And Sacrificial Plants??????


Well-Known Member
As I understand growing aniseed as an aphid repellent , and say tabacco plants , as a sacrifial plant(one that the aphids, mites and other pests eat first as they are more appealing instead of my babies) to help keep pests at bay.
Dose anyone know of any, ,,or has experiance, in growing such plants. Ithink it a great idea as it helps to keep the use of chemicals and pesticides to a min,,and would like to try,
Any help RIU???
Thanks and take it easy.:leaf:


I dont know too much in the way of insect repellent plants, but I have learned a little about companion planting.... some plants complement each other and do well/better together, and some should not be combined.... here's a link to a good site on it, though it focuses mainly on vegetable crops.... though not listed, onions/garlics are great around roses, and are supposed to help keep pests away, though I have no way to prove that, I can say that mine have done MUCH better after planting onions and garlic around/near them.

as for sacrificial type plants, I really dont know and have never thought of it.... great idea though


Well-Known Member
Aye thanks for the link, exactly the sort of info I needed.
I only say sacrifial as my plants were being eaten so I decided to not pesticide the sickest and smallest one. The insects then all moved to it so saving my others and allowing me to remove the pests.. haha..
Thanks and happy grow.


Aye thanks for the link, exactly the sort of info I needed.
I only say sacrifial as my plants were being eaten so I decided to not pesticide the sickest and smallest one. The insects then all moved to it so saving my others and allowing me to remove the pests.. haha..
Thanks and happy grow.
I had that happen this past year in my lil flower bed out front.... these tiny little leaf muncher caterpillers tore the shit out of my micro greens and left my poppies alone, whereas the other side of the walkway, there were no greens and they tore up the poppies


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it just shows if theres somthing tastier to eat then they can leave my babies alone. Haha, im not a fan of caterpillars, had one little bugger munching away, every day i tried to find him and couldnt , then one day boom, caught him in the open and took him down.
I am trying aniseed at the moement for aphids. The info I got didnt say if it was the plant while growing or a spray so have to try both.
Thanks again gogrow.


Well-Known Member
Nice, marigold, they would be okay in a 80 degree f temp and high humidty at night
I just wonder as I havnt grown them..+ rep for you...


Nice, marigold, they would be okay in a 80 degree f temp and high humidty at night
I just wonder as I havnt grown them..+ rep for you...
they grow great down here in louisiana and it gets alot worse than that here. They're also fairly drought resistant.


Well-Known Member
they grow great down here in louisiana and it gets alot worse than that here. They're also fairly drought resistant.
They grow good in Arizona too. But they do look stunted compared to the ones you see on the garden shows on PBS grown in the south.