growing natural nd simple

I just have a question very unexperinced with growing the herb so i had a question. im trying to grow my plant with no adds. all i gave it was soil, water and sunlight. i take very good kare of it water it evryday if nt a small 2nd watering. stays in sunlight untill sun goes down. im trying to grow it all natural but if i do this will my plany euantally die? is there a small chance of it NOT growing all the through because i dnt add anything to it? i just use tap water from the sink its been grownig fer about month now mayb lil more and its growing good ,lookin healthy,just not grownin that fast. just lookn fer Hlep ;D thx


Active Member
it will grow just fine in top soil. but if you really want fat nugs use some nutes you wont regret it. they sell organic if you are worried about it being natural. Make sure you flush two weeks prior to harvest. Also check out the gro faqs there is a ton of usful info on there you will learn alot. good luck.
it will grow just fine in top soil. but if you really want fat nugs use some nutes you wont regret it. they sell organic if you are worried about it being natural. Make sure you flush two weeks prior to harvest. Also check out the gro faqs there is a ton of usful info on there you will learn alot. good luck.
Ite fersure thx dude ill check tthat out good info:mrgreen::peace: