growing indoor in soil, I need help!!


Active Member
I am using 1000w light in a 5x6 room, light cycle is 12/12. I am using fox farm once a week. I dont think I am watering too much, I only water when soil is dry a couple inches in. older growth is dying, curling under, browning first spots then whole leafe top leave look ok but some stems are purple. the new stems are purple. plants are about 4 feet from light. PH is 6.5. see pics...Please help!!!


Active Member
i'm blazed. let me start with that. might not be much help.

underwatering, nuteburn ( i dont think) or maybe a nitro/mag deficiency?

are other plants like this?

an overall shot perhaps?


Active Member
what is that grill behind the plant in the picture? is that a heatsource? looks like the leaves are maybe really dry from exposure to hot dry air


Active Member
What are you feeding it with if anything? i think its a lack of nutrients this has just happened to mine and currently trying to get some nitrous for it