Growing In The Woods


Active Member
fingers crossed for ya tomoz br.:)

dont know bout you but round here the weathers been shit the last few days. rain! wind! rain!. there all good tho checked on them last night, 1 had caught the wind and the stem folded over but was ok so i just proped up with a stick and let them be for a few more days. they take a while to get going but once up! they take off. all the best bro.


Active Member
hey perk nah no life today :( the soil was wet so i knew it had kept weed from the weather, planted three more germing about thirty now

but still nothing from four plants that must have been planted two weeks ago

josh b

Well-Known Member
:wall: your seed's need to hurry up and give you some nice plant's mate it's annoying me,mine are looking nice and when they finally go out in a few week's i am doing 5 blue himalaya diesel auto's and 3 lowryder #2.

I think i have gone abit mad with growing this year but it's fun lol's,so now i have 2 la woman (fem) 12 mango (reg) and 1 big bang (fem),5 blue himalaya diesel auto's,3 lowryder #2.



Active Member
sounds good man

i went back and after alomost two weeks there is nothing

i planted three more these three germinated twice as good as the last ones, these ones were like u said josh a filter tip so i planted them watered them lightly cos i forgot my water so i used it from the cotton wool the seeds were in

germinating about 30 at a time now got em in one sealy bag

7 in the ground now man ill maybe check back tomorrow if i get the time and ill water them more and check on them


Active Member
hey schecter so still no go then. :(

av u thought abot the bottles mate coz they will keep them abit warmer than it is at the moe from the harsh elements! They are germing ok and i wouldn't of thought they were all duds, at least some!??

they might well be growing just very SLOW under ground. who knows only time will tell i guess!

i feel the frustration with ya mate. As the other feller said he's getting wound up 2 lol. fingers crossed on is 1 brv.



Active Member
cool man, well i havent found some bottles no :( well i found one in my room

but like u said i could just buy tesco value shit and then poru it away and cut the tops off

but i havent been near tesco yet lol

i havent checked the plants yet guys but the weathers been so bad its rained a few times so i didnt have to water them but theres no sun for it to grow! the other element

meanwhile ive been smoking the same fucking thai stick and chron for two weeks almost, made a teenth last that long grrr

ooh i shud probs check the germinating seeds ok fuck it only three are grminating a little bit
patience man :) In the midlands the weather's not meant to be too bad, so hopefully you'll get some sun down south :)

i've just started my first ever grow. it's the noobiest thing you will ever see :) germing 8 seeds, just planted the first one now in a pot in my room. when that's grown a bit i'm gonna stick it outside hopefully. my only p[roblem is the fact i've got a broken leg and am on crutches 24/7 :/


Active Member
shit man crutches and growing that must be hard but keep at it just think about all the pain relieving herb ull have when its done ;)

and nah perk i havent got pics

all it is is 7 pots in the ground with nothing sticking out of them :(

as soon as they sprout ill take some on my camera but until then...
yeah crutches suck.

Are the woods not working out for you then? I've yet to find a good location to plant mine once they've grown a bit so i'm not sure how good the woods would be, as well as the fact i'd have to walk there.

josh b

Well-Known Member
:sad: I sure hope they all pop soon mate,just put half of mine in the greenhouse to live now and they look nice.



Active Member
well the woods aren't really working no although i havent been up there for q uite a while,

theres no where else i can plant them rly, yeh it sucks to walk up there even without crutches lol

got a few more germinating which look like the roots are about to show which is good although the thai stick seeds are useless

must have been germing them for like three weeks now and now nothing gonna go up to the site soon had a bit of sun today so hopefully got some luck!!


Active Member
one has popped!

hell motherfucking yes its like the root then a tiny stem then it kinda curls over and splits in two with some weird yellow thing on it i didnt take a pic i was gonna bring my camera up but i didnt think i would have had any seedlings

nothing from anything else, one pot blew over in the wind seed has gone!

another pt has the root like sticking out of the top but it kinda fell over so i stuck it upright to secure it so it grows upwards

so looking OK atm, at least i have something


Well-Known Member
one has popped!

hell motherfucking yes its like the root then a tiny stem then it kinda curls over and splits in two with some weird yellow thing on it i didnt take a pic i was gonna bring my camera up but i didnt think i would have had any seedlings

nothing from anything else, one pot blew over in the wind seed has gone!

another pt has the root like sticking out of the top but it kinda fell over so i stuck it upright to secure it so it grows upwards

so looking OK atm, at least i have something
could be a male LOL


Active Member
congrats ma8 it was about time :) lets not think it could be male just yet. the other should follow suit mate. i would get that bottle coz there is still some frost that could kill it. so to be safe than sorry... get it my friend. well done


Active Member
yeh man!

ha skunk yeh i thought that it could be a male and of course it can but i didn't wanna let that dampen my spirit

ok perk thats on the list for tomorrow, fucking two litre bottles.


Active Member
well the weather has been so shit its unbelievable, looked good this morning but then went wank from there. will be checking back at the site on friday building a little stick fence to stop animals from running and knocking stuff over in the night, germing maybe about 60 or more seeds atm, doing them all at the same time cos they all take weeks.

only two are starting to germinate out of like 25 i planted about a week ago