Growing in the winter?

blunt onE

Active Member
Hey there guys im from New Zealand lolz, ima bit of a newbie growing out doors was just wondering if you can still grow your plants outside in the winter? And if the cold has any effect on the plants?

Sorry for the stupid question..


Well-Known Member
What island mate?

I am doing a QLD winter grow butI doubt your close enough to the tropics to get warm enough, my temps are at the lowest 54f and 75-80f at the hottest part of the day, if you do try you'll have to veg them for a while indoors then move them outside as they'll begin flowering straight away.


Well-Known Member
I'll be trying it this winter as well in Indiana. I have a small outdoor/indoor with no heat or air (live on a farm) but i use a light 600w hps/mh and am hopeing thatll keep the plants warm
Let us know what the temp is like where you are. you can find a celsius to farenhite conversion on google.