growing in a 6.5 Gallon on my back deck need some advice

so i bought a 1$ seed from a local hemp store there just ones she takes from weed that she likes and she grows the best weed in town so i hope it'll be a good one.any way i have it sit on my back deck all day and then am starting to bring it in side and have it under a little 8W fluoresent utility light and then surround it with some reflective material. It has been out of the soil for 2 weeks today ( june 16) and has already got 4 full spiked leaves and has 8 more growing in right now. do you think this is growing at a good pace for it's conditions?
i clicked the attatchments button and draged and dropped my photos and it just displays the pic with no button to upload it some one help please i've got lots of pretty pictures that need to be seen!


Well-Known Member
You've got to upload them first, then you can drag & drop. You can't drag from your computer into your post. When you go to Manage attachments, click "add files" & "select files"

Just keep trying.
